


    UNFF19 Outcome Documents

    • |
    • UNFF19 Organization of Work
    • UNFF19 Side Events Schedule
    • UNFF19 Information Note for Participants
    • UNFF19 Social Media Advisory |
    • UNFF19 eStatements:
      | , |
    • UNFF19 High Level Segment Roundtable: Forest-based solutions to the triple planetary crises
    • UNFF19 High Level Segment Dialogue: CPF Heads and UNFF partners
    • UNFF19 Bureau members and minutes
    • UNFF19 Bureau input to
    • UNFF18/19 Thematic Priorities
    • Background analytical studies and Policy Briefs

    • UNFF19 Pre-session documents
    • E/CN.18/2024/1 | Provisional agenda and annotations of the nineteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/2 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities in support of the thematic priorities for the biennium 2023–2024 [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/3 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/4 | Note by the Secretariat on the policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: monitoring, assessment and reporting [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/5 | Note by the Secretariat on the midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests in achieving its objectives and the quadrennial programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for 2025–2028 [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the high-level segment of the United Nations Forum on Forests at its nineteenth session, including a forest partnership forum with the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, non-governmental organizations and private sector chief executive officers [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/7 | Note by the Secretariat on the trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
    • E/CN.18/2024/8 | Letter dated 15 December 2023 from the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (India CLI report) [ | | | | | ]
    • Report of the Major Groups-Led Initiative in Support of the United Nations Forum on Forests, Nairobi, March 2024 | Advance Unedited version



    UNFF17 Outcome Documents

  • E/CN.18/2022/L.2 | Proposed dates and venue of the 18th session of the UN Forum on Forests
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/L.3 | Draft provisional agenda for the 18th session of the UN Forum on Forests
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/2022/42-E/CN.18/2022/8 |
  • E/CN.18/2022/L.4 | Outcome of the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests: Draft resolution submitted by the Chair [ | | | | | ]
  • UNFF input to the 2022 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: | []

  • UNFF17 Provisional organization of work
  • UNFF17 High Level Round Table (9 May 2022):
    Concept Note
    – Statements: Member States: Brazil | Cameroon | China | Colombia | Cote d’Ivoire | Greece | Honduras | India | Japan | Malaysia | Nicaragua | Peru | Philippines | Portugal | Romania | Russian Federation: Statement 1, Statement 2 | Slovak Republic | United States of America | European Union CPF: CITES | IUFRO Major Groups: Workers and Trade Unions

  • UNFF 16/17 Thematic Priorities
  • UNFF17 Participant guide | New York Resource Guide for in-person participants
  • UNFF17 Side Events Schedule
  • UNFF17 Social Media Advisory
  • UNFF17: Official Documents

  • E/CN.18/2022/1 | Provisional Agenda and Annotations
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/2 | Note by the Secretariat on policy discussions on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities in support of the thematic priorities for the biennium 2021–2022
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/3 | Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/4 | Note by the Secretariat on monitoring, assessment and reporting: progress on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the United Nations forest instrument, and voluntary national contributions
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/5 | Note by the Secretariat on preparations for the midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests in achieving its objectives
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2022/7 | Note by the Secretariat on challenges faced by countries, strategies adopted and recovery measures taken by countries to reduce the impact of the coronavirus disease pandemic on forests and the forest sector
    [ | | | | | ]

  • Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests

  • Questionnaire (2021): Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests | Deadline: 18 September 2021
  • UNFF Expert Group Meeting on Preparations for the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests, 17-18 November 2021 | Background Paper | Co-Chairs Summary of Key Actions in Preparations for the IAF Midterm Review

  • Forests and Global crises: Impacts of COVID-19 | Forest fires

  • Background paper on Impacts of disasters on forests, in particular forest fires
  • Initial Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Forest Management (2021)
  • Co-Chairs Summary of the UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Forest Management [pdf]
    African States [pdf] | Asia-Pacific States [pdf] | Canada and the USA [pdf] | Eastern European States [pdf] | Latin American and Caribbean States [pdf] | Western European and other States [pdf]
  • Second Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Forests and Forest Sector (2022) )

  • UNFF Expert Group meeting: Assessment of the Impacts of COVID-19 on Forests and the Forests Sector | 2-4 February 2022 (virtual) | Co-Chairs Summary
  • Assessment reports (2022): Africa | Asia-Pacific | Eastern Europe | Latin America | North America | Western Europe and Other States
  • Policy Briefs

  • Financing sustainable forest management: a key component of sustainable COVID-19 recovery [pdf]
  • Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic [pdf]
  • CPF contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities

    • CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 [ | | ]
    • CPF Policy Document: [English | | ]
    • CPF joint statement on COVID-19 [ | | ]
    • CPF Work Plan 2021-2024> Full Workplan | Summary version: English | |
    • CPF Joint Statement on “”
    • Regions contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities

      • African Forest Forum (AFF) [pdf]
      • Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) [pdf]
      • Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) [pdf]
      • International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) [pdf]
      • UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section [pdf]
      • Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening the Engagement of the United Nations Forum on Forests with Regional Partners, Major Groups, and other Stakeholders (16-17 December 2021) EGM Concept Note | Meeting Report
      • Major Groups contributions to UNFF16/17 thematic priorities

      • Progress in the Implementation of the UNSPF: Contribution of Major Groups to UNFF 16 & 17 Thematic Priorities [pdf]
      • Other stakeholders – Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ) [pdf]
      • Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening the Engagement of the United Nations Forum on Forests with Regional Partners, Major Groups, and other Stakeholders (16-17 December 2021) EGM Concept Note | Meeting Report


    Outcome documents

  • E/CN.18/2021/8
  • E/CN.18/2021/L.1 Provisional agenda for the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/L.2 Proposed dates and venue of the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/L.3 Programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for the period 2022–2024[ | | | | | ]
  • UNFF16 – Archived videos on UN Web TV

  • 26 April 2021:
  • 27 April 2021:
  • 28 April 2021:
  • 29 April 2021:
  • Participants Guide, Modalities, Social Media and other information

  • UNFF16 – Provisional Organization of Work
  • UNFF16 Modalities
  • UNFF 16/17 Thematic Priorities
  • UNFF16 Participants Guide
  • UNFF16 – Side Events Schedule
  • Communication by the UNFF16 Bureau:
  • UNFF16 Social Media content: is available on , including social media copy, digital cards, animations and more.
  • High Level Round-Table

  • Concept Note: UNFF16 High Level Round Table
  • Statements: Argentina | Australia | France | Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Germany | Holy See | Honduras | Indonesia | Japan | Mozambique | The Philippines | Ukraine | UNCCD | IUFRO| Major Group Children and Youth
  • UNFF 16 Concept Notes for Panel Discussions

  • Monday 26 April 2021:UNFF16 High Level Round Table
  • Monday 26 April 2021:Launch of the Flagship Publication
  • Tuesday 27 April 2021: Panel discussion on Items 3(a) and 3(d) of the UNFF16 Provisional Agenda
  • Tuesday 27 April 2021: Panel discussion on Items 3(a) and 3(c) of the UNFF16 Provisional Agenda
  • UNFF 16 Official Documents

  • E/CN.18/2021/1 | Provisional Agenda and Annotations [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/2 | Note by the Secretariat on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: thematic priorities for the biennium 2021–2022; contributions of members of the Forum; interlinkages between the global forest goals and the Sustainable Development Goals under review by the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2021; implementation of the communication and outreach strategy [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/3 | Note by the Secretariat on Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: Contributions of and enhanced cooperation with partners towards achieving the thematic priorities of the sixteenth and seventeenth sessions of the Forum [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/4 | Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation, including operations and resources of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/5 | Note by the Secretariat on Monitoring, assessment and reporting: progress on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the United Nations forest instrument, and voluntary national contributions [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/6 | Note by the Secretariat on the Trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2021/7 | Note by the Secretariat on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on forests and the forest sector [ | | | | | ]
  • Forests and Global crises| Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and forest fires

  • Background paper on Impacts of disasters on forests, in particular forest fires
  • Initial Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Forest Management

  • Co-Chairs Summary of the UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Forest Management [pdf]
  • African States [pdf]
  • Asia-Pacific States [pdf]
  • Canada and the USA [pdf]
  • Eastern European States [pdf]
  • Latin American and Caribbean States [pdf]
  • Western European and other States [pdf]
  • Policy Briefs

  • Financing sustainable forest management: a key component of sustainable COVID-19 recovery [pdf]
  • Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic [pdf]
  • CPF | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities

  • CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 [ | | ]
  • CPF Policy Document: [English | | ]
  • CPF joint statement on COVID-19 [ | | ]
  • CPF Work Plan 2021-2024> Full Workplan | Summary version
  • Major Groups | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities

  • Progress in the Implementation of the UNSPF: Contribution of Major Groups to UNFF 16 & 17 Thematic Priorities [pdf]
  • Other stakeholders – Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ) [pdf]
  • Regions | Intersessional activities & contributions to UNFF16 thematic priorities

  • African Forest Forum (AFF) [pdf]
  • Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) [pdf]
  • Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) [pdf]
  • International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) [pdf]
  • UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section [pdf]


    Outcome documents

  • Draft Provisional Agenda: 16th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2020/L.1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Date and Venue: 16th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2020/L.2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Session documents

  • E/CN.18/2020/1: Provisional Agenda and Annotations
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/2 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/3 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030: activities of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests – Information Note [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/4 | Monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress towards implementing the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030 and the United Nations forest instrument: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/5 | Means of implementation for sustainable forest management: availability of resources for the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network and its priority actions and resource needs for the quadrennial programme of work for the period 2021–2024: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/6 | Implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030, including the contributions of the Forum’s regional and subregional partners and major groups, as well as involvement of its secretariat in major meetings: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/7 | Trust fund for the United Nations Forum on Forests: Note by the Secretariat [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2020/8 | Note verbale dated 20 May 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (submitting the report of the Major Groups-led Initiative on the theme “Cross-sectoral collaboration for inclusive forest landscapes”) [ | | | | | ]


    Outcome documents

  • E/CN.18/2019/9
  • Draft Provisional Agenda: 15th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2019/L.1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Date and Venue: 15th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2019/L.2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Session documents

  • E/CN.18/2019/1: Provisional Agenda and Annotations
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/2: Note by the Secretariat on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030 [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/3: Note by the Secretariat on monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress towards implementing the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030 and the United Nations forest instrument
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/4: Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation for sustainable forest management
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/5: Note by the Secretariat on enhancing global forest policy coherence and a common international understanding of sustainable forest management
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/6: Note by the Secretariat on enhanced cooperation, coordination and engagement on forest-related issues [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/7: Note by the Secretariat on the Forum Trust Fund
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2019/8: Letter dated 20 March 2019 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Suriname to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
    [ | | | | | ]


    Outcome documents

  • E/CN.18/2018/9
  • Draft Provisional Agenda: 14th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2018/L.1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Date and Venue: 14th session of the UN Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2018/L.2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Session documents

  • E/CN.18/2018/1: Provisional Agenda and Annotations
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/2: Note by the Secretariat on the implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/3: Note by the Secretariat on contributions by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, regional and sub-regional organizations and processes and major groups and other stakeholders, to the implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/4: Note by the Secretariat on monitoring, assessment and reporting on the progress in implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 and the UN Forest Instrument
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/5: Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/6: Report of the Secretary General on Progress in the implementation of Economic and Social Council resolution 2015/33
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/7: Note by the Secretariat on the Forum Trust Fund
    [ | | | | | ]
  • E/CN.18/2018/8: Letter dated 15 March 2018 from the Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General ( Co-Chairs Summary of the International Conference on Working across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest Area – from Aspiration to Action)
    [ | | | | | ]


    Outcome documents

  • E/CN.18/2017/8
  • Provisional agenda for the thirteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2017/L.1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Dates and venue of the thirteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2017/L.2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Session documents

  • Provisional Agenda and Annotations E/CN.18/2017/1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the implementation of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 E/CN.18/2017/2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress towards implementing the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030, including the UN Forest Instrument and voluntary national contributions E/CN.18/2017/3 [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on means of implementation for sustainable forest management E/CN.18/2017/4 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on enhanced cooperation, coordination and engagement on forest-related issues E/CN.18/2017/5 [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the Forum Trust Fund E/CN.18/2017/6 [ | | | | | ]
  • Note verbale dated 16 March 2017 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests E/CN.18/2017/7 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Special Session of the UN Forum on Forests (20 January 2017) E/CN.18/SS/2017/2 [ | | | | | ]

UNFF Working Group and Special session

  • Report of the Special Session of the UN Forum on Forests -E/CN.18/SS/2017/2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Special Session Provisional agenda and annotations -E/CN.18/SS/2017/1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Special Session Provisional organisation of work

  • Working Group Provisional Organisation of Work
  • Working Group Provisional agenda and annotations -E/CN.18/WG/2017/1 [ | | | | | ]
  • Working Group Co-Chairs Proposal for the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests for the period 2017-2030 – E/CN.18/WG/2017/2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Working Group Co-Chairs Proposal for the quadrennial programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for the period 2017-2020 -E/CN.18/WG/2017/3 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on the second meeting of the Open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc expert group established pursuant to paragraph 48 of Economic and Social Council resolution 2015/33 – E/CN.18/2016/AHEG/5 [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on the first meeting of the Open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc expert group established pursuant to paragraph 48 of Economic and Social Council resolution 2015/33 – E/CN.18/2016/AHEG/3 [ | | | | | ]


    Outcome documents

  • E/CN.18/2015/14
  • Draft ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the eleventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests submitted by the Chair of the Forum, Noel Nelson Messone (Gabon) Future international arrangement on forests we want E/CN.18/2015/L.1/Rev.1 Dated 13 of May 2015
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the United Nations Forum on Forests at its eleventh session, Noel Nelson Messone (Gabon) International arrangement on forests beyond 2015 E/CN.18/2015/L.2/Rev.1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • United Nations Forum on Forests – Report on the eleventh session E/2015/42-E/CN.18/2015/14
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Session documents

  • Provisional agenda and annotations E/CN.18/2015/1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the SG on Reviewing the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests and consideration of all future options, including SG’s Conclusions and recommendations E/CN.18/2015/2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the SG on Assessment of progress made on the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and towards the achievement of the four global objectives on forests E/CN.18/2015/3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the SG on means of implementation for sustainable forest management and forest law enforcement and governance at all levels E/CN.18/2015/4
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the SG on enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination, and regional and sub-regional inputs E/CN.18/2015/5
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Multi-stakeholder input on review of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests and the future options (Multi-Stakeholder dialogue) E/CN.18/2015/6
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Addendum to Note by the Secretariat on the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Discussion Paper by the Major Groups E/CN.18/2015/6/Add1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Information Document: CPF Framework 2013-2014 E/CN.18/2015/7
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: United Nations Forum on Forests trust fund E/CN.18/2015/8
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 6 January 2015 from the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General E/CN.18/2015/9
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the first meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) E/CN.18/2015/10
    [ | | | | | ] and Supplementary Information document
  • Report of the second meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) E/CN.18/2015/11
    [ | | | | | ]


  • (E/CN.18/2013/18)
  • Provisional agenda •(E/CN.18/2013/Rev.1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Assessment of progress made on the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and towards the achievement of the four global objectives on forests • (E/CN.18/2013/2)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Addendum to E/CN.18/2013/2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Regional and Subregional inputs • (E/CN.18/2013/3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Forests and Economic development • (E/CN.18/2013/4)
    [ | | | | | ]
    **Please note the following data sources for Figures 3 and 6.
    Figure 3 Global GDP growth by region (1970-2011): Estimated by Uma Lele and others using World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance (World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2011)
    Figure 6 Food and energy real price indices (1960-2011): Estimated by Brian Wright for Uma Lele and others (2013)
  • Report of the Secretary General on Conclusions and Recommendations for addressing key challenges of Forests and Economic development • (E/CN.18/2013/5)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Emerging Issues: International Arrangement on Forests, post 2015 United Nations Development Agenda and the outcome of the Rio+20 Conference; the interconnections and implications • (E/CN.18/2013/6)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the Multi-stakeholder dialogue • (E/CN.18/2013/7)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Addendum to the Note by the Secretariat on the Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Forests and Economic Development Discussion Paper submitted by the Major Groups (E/CN.18/2013/7/Add.1) [Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Enhanced Cooperation and policy and programme coordination, including the provision of further guidance to the Collaborative Partnership on • Forests(E/CN.18/2013/8)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the International Year of Forests, 2011 Activities: Trends and Lessons Learned • (E/CN.18/2013/9)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2011 and 2012: Information Note on the Partnership’s activities and accomplishments • (E/CN.18/2013/10)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Means of Implementation for Sustainable Forest Management • (E/CN.18/2013/11)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the second meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on Forest Financing – 14-18 January 2013, Vienna, Austria • (E/CN.18/2013/12)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the United Nations trust funds to support the United Nations Forum on Forests • (E/CN.18/2013/13)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 1 February 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia and Japan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (Co-Chair’s Summary of the International seminar on "Challenges of sustainable forest management: integrating environmental, social and economic values of forests", 8 to 10 March 2011, Tokyo) • (E/CN.18/2013/14)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 19 December 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of Ukraine and Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • (E/CN.18/2013/15)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 27 February 2012 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • (E/CN.18/2013/16)
    [ | | | | | ]


  • E/CN.18/2011/20
  • Provisional agenda . E/CN.18/2011/1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General: Assessment of progress made on the implementation of the U.N. non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and towards the achievement of the four global objectives on forests . E/CN.18/2011/2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Regional and sub-regional inputs • E/CN.18/2011/3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Community-Based Forest Management • E/CN.18/2011/4
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Forests for people: Cultural and social values of forests and social development • E/CN.18/2011/5
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General: Conclusions and Recommendations in addressing key challenges of Forests for People, Livelihoods and Poverty Eradication • E/CN.18/2011/6
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on Preparations for the International Year of Forests (Forests 2011) • E/CN.18/2011/7
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General:High-level ministerial segment and policy dialogue with heads of international organizations • E/CN.18/2011/8
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Note by Secretariat • E/CN.18/2011/9
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Discussion Paper on social development and indigenous and other local and forest dependent communities, and forest land tenure • E/CN.18/2011/9/Add.1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper on community forestry program in Nepal: an example of excellence in community-based forest management • E/CN.18/2011/9/Add.3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General:Enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination, including the provision of further guidance to the Collaborative Partnership on Forests • E/CN.18/2011/10
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Information document: Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2009 and 2010 • E/CN.18/2011/11
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary General on the Means of Implementation for Sustainable Forest Management • E/CN.18/2011/12
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the first meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on Forest Financing • E/CN.18/2011/13
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the Trust Fund • E/CN.18/2011/14
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 2010/11/03 from the Permanent Representatives of Switzerland, Indonesia, South Africa and Mexico to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2011/16
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 2010/12/09 from the Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2011/17
    [ Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish ]
  • Means of Implementation for Sustainable Forest Management: Report of the Secretary-General: Corrigendum • E/CN.18/2011/12/CORR.1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Accreditation of an Intergovernmental Organization to the United Nations Forum on Forests: Note by the Secretariat • E/CN.18/2011/18
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Strategies to mobilize resources from all sources to support the implementation of sustainable forest management, the achievement of the global objectives on forests and the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests, including, inter alia, strengthening and improving access to funds and establishing a voluntary global forest fund E/CN.18/2010/2 [ | | | | | ]

UNFF9 Special session

  • Report of the Forum on the Special Session of the 9th Session : United Nations Forum on Forests
    E/CN.18/SS/2009/2 • E/2009/118
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Provisional Agenda and Annotations • E/CN.18/SS/2009/1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Draft Resolution on Means of Implementation for SFM • E/CN.18/SS/2009/L.1
    [ | | | | | ]


  • E/CN.18/2009/20 | E/2009/42 UNFF8 report [ | | | | | ]
  • Chairman’s draft text: The road map for financing sustainable forest management/[(Group of 77 and China): implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests]/[means of implementation for sustainable forest management] • E/CN.18/2009/WP.1 []
  • List of Delegations to the United Nations Forum on Forests Eighth Session • E/CN.18/2009/INF/1
    [ | | ]
  • Provisional agenda • E/CN.18/2009/1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Achieving the four global objectives on forests and implementing the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests • E/CN.18/2009/2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Regional and sub-regional inputs • E/CN.18/2009/3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Forests and climate change • E/CN.18/2009/4
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General: Reversing the loss of forest cover, preventing forest degradation in all types of forests and combating desertification, including low forest cover countries • E/CN.18/2009/5
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Forests and biodiversity conservation including protected areas • E/CN.18/2009/6
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Forests in a changing environment: low forest cover countries, small island developing states and high and medium forest cover countries • E/CN.18/2009/7
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Recommendations for addressing key challenges of forests in a changing environment • E/CN.18/2009/8
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Finance and other means of implementation for sustainable forest management • E/CN.18/2009/9
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination • E/CN.18/2009/10
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Chair’s summary report of open-ended ad hoc expert group to Develop Proposals for the Development of a Voluntary Global Financial Mechanism/Portfolio Approach/Forest Financing Framework • E/CN.18/2009/11
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2008 and 2009: Information document • E/CN.18/2009/12
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Note by Secretariat • E/CN.18/2009/13
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper for the UNFF 8 submitted by Women Major Group • E/CN.18/2009/13/Add.1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Children and Youth Major Group • E/CN.18/2009/13/Add.2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the non-governmental organizations and Indigenous Peoples Major Groups • E/CN.18/2009/13/Add.3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group • E/CN.18/2009/13/Add.4
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Small Forest Landowners Major Group • E/CN.18/2009/13/Add.5
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 22 December 2008 from the Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2009/14
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on the Trust Fund • E/CN.18/2009/15
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 9 February 2009 from the Permanent Representatives of South Africa and Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2009/16
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 6 February 2009 from the Permanent Mission of Suriname to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2009/17
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 6 February 2009 from the Permanent Representatives of Australia and Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General • E/CN.18/2009/18
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Accreditation of an intergovernmental organization to the United Nations Forum on Forests • E/CN.18/2009/19
    [ | | | | | ]


  • E/CN.18/2007/8 | E/CN.18/2007/8 (SUPP)
  • Corrigendum to the Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests Seventh Session • E/CN.18/2007/8/CORR.1 . E/2007/42/CORR.1
    [ | | | | ]
  • Non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests: Note by the Secretariat • A/C.2/62/L.5
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Revised draft resolution, “Non-legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests” • E/2007/L.39
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Support to the Bureau in preparing for future sessions of the UN Forum on Forests • E/2007/L.41
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Revised programme budget implications of UNFF7 report recommendations • E/2007/L.22/Rev.1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Programme budget implications of UNFF7 report recommendations • E/2007/L.22
    [( | | | | | ]
  • List of Delegations to the United Nations Forum on Forests Seventh Session • E/CN.18/2007/INF/1
    [ | | ]
  • Provisional Agenda • E/CN.18/2007/1
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General: Multi-year programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests • E/CN.18/2007/2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Revised composite draft text for developing a non-legally binding instrument • E/CN.18/2007/3
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Note by Secretariat • E/CN.18/2007/4
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Youth/Children Major Group • E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.1
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Workers and Trade Unions Major Group • E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.2
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Non-Governmental Organizations and Indigenous Peoples Major Group • E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.3
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group • E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.4
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Women Major Group • E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.5
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue : Discussion Paper contributed by the Small Forest Landowners Major Group• E/CN.18/2007/4/Add.6
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Enhanced Cooperation and Policy and Programme Coordination • E/CN.18/2007/5
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2007: Information document • E/CN.18/2007/6
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Co-Chairs’ summary report from the International Expert Meeting on “Multi Year Programme of Work of United Nations Forum on Forests: Charting the Way Forward to 2015” – A Country – Led Initiative in support of the United Nations Forum on Forests • E/CN.18/2007/7
  • [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the open-ended ad hoc expert group on the consideration of the content of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests (11-15 December 2006) • E/CN.18/AC.1/2006/4
    [ | | | | | ]


  • Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests Sixth Session (E/CN.18/2006/18 • E/2006/42(SUPP))
    [ | | | | | ]

    ECOSOC approved UNFF6 outcome with the following ammendments:
    Draft Resolution para 29 now reads: … an open-ended ad hoc expert group (instead of working group)
    Draft Decision on Proclamation of an International Year of Forests now reads: proclaim 2011 as the Interational Year of Forests (instead of 2010)

    Corrigendum E/CN.18/2006/18/corr.1
    [ ]
    Corrigendum E/CN.18/2006/18/corr.2
    [ | | | | | ]
  • List of delegations (E/CN.18/2006/INF/1)
    [ | | | | | ]
    Addendum E/CN.18/2006/INF/1/Add.1
    [ ]
  • Provisional Agenda (E/CN.18/2006/1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Implementation of decision 5/2 of the fifth session of teh United Nations Forum on Forests (E/CN.18/2006/2)
    [ | | | | | ]
    Corrigendum (E/CN.18/2006/2/Corr.1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 29 November 2005 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General submitting the chairmen’s report on the International Expert Meeting “Scoping for a future agreement on forests”, A Country-Led Initiative in support of UNFF, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 November 2005 (E/CN.18/2006/3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat: Accreditation of Intergovernmental Organizations to the United Nations Forum on Forests (E/CN.18/2006/4)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 21 February 2006 from the Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General submitting the European Union proposal on a possible structure and elements of an outcome docuemnt to the sixth session of the UNFF: “Strengthening of the International Arrangement on Forests” and “Draft international instrument on all types of forests” (E/CN.18/2006/5)
    [ | | | | | ]


  • Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests Fifth Session (E/CN.18/2005/18 • E/2005/42)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • List of delegations (E/CN.18/2005/INF/2)
  • Provisional Agenda (E/CN.18/2005/1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group the Consideration with a view of Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on all Types of Forests 7-10 September 2004, New York (E/CN.18/2005/2)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General: Multi-stakeholder Dialogue (E/CN.18/2005/3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Business and Industry major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Forest Workers and Trade Unions major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.2)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Women major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Non-governmental organizations major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.4)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Farmers and Small Forest Landowners major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.5)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Indigenous Peoples major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.6)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Youth and Children major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.7)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Scientific and Technological Community major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.8)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General on High-level ministerial segment and policy dialogue with heads of international organizations (E/CN.18/2005/4)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination (E/CN.18/2005/5)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Review of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forest (E/CN.18/2005/6)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Linkages between forests and the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration (E/CN.18/2005/7)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Review of progress and consideration of future actions (E/CN.18/2005/8)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General on consideration with a view to recommending to the Council and through it to the General Assembly the parameters of a mandate for developing a legal framework on all types of forests (E/CN.18/2005/9)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 15 October 2004 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia and Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General submitting the report on Decentralization, Federal Systems in Forestry and National Forest Programs: Country-led Initiative in Support of UNFF5 / Workshop Co-Organized by the Governments of Indonesia and Switzerland – “The Interlaken Workshop” – 27-30 April 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland (E/CN.18/2005/10)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 24 February 2005 from the Chargés d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Missions of Mexico and the United States of America to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General submitting the report on the Future of the International Arrangement on Forests: Country-led Initiative in Support of the UNFF5 – Guadalajara Report, 25-28 January 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico (E/CN.18/2005/11)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on TFD’s Dialogue on Practical Actions to Combat Illegal Logging: Organisation-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – The Forests Dialogue, 7-10 March 2005, Hong Kong, P.R. China (E/CN.18/2005/12)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Innovative Financial Mechanisms: Searching for Viable Alternatives to Secure Basis for the Financial Sustainability of Forests: Country-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – Governement of Costa Rica, 29 March – 1 April 2005, San Jose, Costa Rica (E/CN.18/2005/13)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Statement from the Ministerial Meeting on Forests convened by the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on 14 march 2005 in Rome: Note by the Secretariat (E/CN.18/2005/14)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Forest Landscape Restoration: Country-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – cohosted by the Governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom and organized by the Global Parnership on Forest Landscape Restoration – 4-8 April 2005, Petropolis, Brazil (E/CN.18/2005/15)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Traditional Forest Related Knowledge and the Implementation of Related International Commitments: Organisation-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests – 6-10 December 2004, San Jose, Costa Rica (E/CN.18/2005/16)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations to the United Nations Forum on Forests (E/CN.18/2005/17)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Information document: Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2005 (E/CN.18/2005/INF/1)
    [ | | | | | ]


  • Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests Fourth Session (E/CN.18/2004/17/Corr.1 • E/2004/42/Corr.1)
    [ | | | | | ]
    ** The questionnaire annexed to Resolution 4/4 does not reflect the changes made for approval by ECOSOC. Please note that the word “components” was replaced by “activities” throughout the questionnaire. You may find the corrected version of the questionnaire in the following languages: [ | | | | ]
  • List of delegations (E/CN.18/2005/INF/2)
  • Provisional Agenda (E/CN.18/2005/1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group the Consideration with a view of Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on all Types of Forests7-10 September 2004, New York (E/CN.18/2005/2)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General: Multi-stakeholder Dialogue (E/CN.18/2005/3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Business and Industry major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.1)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Forest Workers and Trade Unions major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.2)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Women major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.3)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Non-governmental organizations major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.4)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Farmers and Small Forest Landowners major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.5)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Indigenous Peoples major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.6)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Youth and Children major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.7)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Discussion paper contributed by the Scientific and Technological Community major group (E/CN.18/2005/3/Add.8)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General on High-level ministerial segment and policy dialogue with heads of international organizations (E/CN.18/2005/4)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination (E/CN.18/2005/5)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Review of the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forest (E/CN.18/2005/6)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on Linkages between forests and the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration (E/CN.18/2005/7)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Review of progress and consideration of future actions (E/CN.18/2005/8)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretary-General on consideration with a view to recommending to the Council and through it to the General Assembly the parameters of a mandate for developing a legal framework on all types of forests (E/CN.18/2005/9)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 15 October 2004 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia and Switzerland to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General submitting the report on Decentralization, Federal Systems in Forestry and National Forest Programs: Country-led Initiative in Support of UNFF5 / Workshop Co-Organized by the Governments of Indonesia and Switzerland – “The Interlaken Workshop” – 27-30 April 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland (E/CN.18/2005/10)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Letter dated 24 February 2005 from the Chargés d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Missions of Mexico and the United States of America to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General submitting the report on the Future of the International Arrangement on Forests: Country-led Initiative in Support of the UNFF5 – Guadalajara Report, 25-28 January 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico (E/CN.18/2005/11)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on TFD’s Dialogue on Practical Actions to Combat Illegal Logging: Organisation-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – The Forests Dialogue, 7-10 March 2005, Hong Kong, P.R. China (E/CN.18/2005/12)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Innovative Financial Mechanisms: Searching for Viable Alternatives to Secure Basis for the Financial Sustainability of Forests: Country-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – Governement of Costa Rica, 29 March – 1 April 2005, San Jose, Costa Rica (E/CN.18/2005/13)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Statement from the Ministerial Meeting on Forests convened by the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on 14 march 2005 in Rome: Note by the Secretariat (E/CN.18/2005/14)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Forest Landscape Restoration: Country-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – cohosted by the Governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom and organized by the Global Parnership on Forest Landscape Restoration – 4-8 April 2005, Petropolis, Brazil (E/CN.18/2005/15)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Report on Traditional Forest Related Knowledge and the Implementation of Related International Commitments: Organisation-led Initiative in support of UNFF5 – International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests – 6-10 December 2004, San Jose, Costa Rica (E/CN.18/2005/16)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Note by the Secretariat on Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations to the United Nations Forum on Forests (E/CN.18/2005/17)
    [ | | | | | ]
  • Information document: Collaborative Partnership on Forests Framework 2005 (E/CN.18/2005/INF/1)
    [ | | | | | ]