
CDP Reports, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) meets once a year for its plenary session and subsequently submits its report to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The CDP excerpts highlight key findings from these reports. ECOSOC and the General Assembly (GA) both adopt resolutions related to the CDP.

May 2024
2024 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2024/33, Supplement No. 13)
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2024/7) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy

April 2023
2023 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2023/33, Supplement No. 13)
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2023/10) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2023/29) on the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the decade 2022¨C2031
  • ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum: Intergovernmentally agreed conclusions and recommendations on the Follow-up and review of the financing for development outcomes and the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • GA resolution (A/RES/77/323) on the Extension of the preparatory period preceding the graduation of Solomon Islands from the least developed country category
  • GA resolution (A/RES/78/125) on the Graduation of Bhutan from the least developed country category
  • GA resolution (A/RES/78/126) on the Deferral of the graduation of Angola from the least developed country category to a later date

April 2022
2022 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2022/33, Supplement No. 13)
  • Corrigendum (E/2022/33/Corr.1) to the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
    To reflect the correct graduation date for Bhutan
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2022/8) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
  • GA resolution (A/76/258) on the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries

March 2021
2021 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2021/33, Supplement No. 13)
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2021/11) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
  • Report of the Secretary-General (A/76/271) on the Implementation, effectiveness and added value of smooth transition measures and graduation support
  • GA resolution (A/RES/75/259) on the Extension of the preparatory period preceding the graduation of Angola from the least developed country category
  • GA resolution (A/RES/76/8) on the Graduation of Bangladesh, the Lao People¡¯s Democratic Republic and Nepal from the least developed country category
  • GA resolution (A/C.2/76/L.41) on the Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
  • GA resolution (A/C.2/76/L.43) on the Disaster risk reduction

April 2020
2020 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2020/33, Supplement No. 13)
  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2020/10) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
  • GA resolution (A/RES/75/128) on the Graduation of Vanuatu from the least developed country category
  • GA resolution (A/RES/75/215) on the Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
  • GA resolution (A/RES/75/216) on the Disaster risk reduction

April 2019
2019 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

  • ECOSOC resolution (E/RES/2019/8) on the Report of the Committee for Development Policy
  • GA resolution (A/RES/74/217) on the Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
  • GA resolution (A/RES/74/218) on the Disaster risk reduction

May 2018
2018 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

April 2017
2017 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA Resolutions

May 2016
2016 CDP report, ECOSOC and GA resolutions

March 2015
2015 CDP report, ECOSOC and GA resolutions

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