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When and where will the next AMR take place? - The 2012 AMR will be held during the High-level Segment of the ECOSOC Substantive Session, in July 2012, at United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA.

What is the AMR and what will it do? - The Annual Ministerial Review (AMR), which was mandated at the 2005 World Summit, assesses the progress made in the implementation of the MDGs and the other goals and targets agreed at the major UN conferences and summits over the past 15 years, which constitute the United Nations Development Agenda (UNDA). Each year, the AMR focuses on a specific aspect of the UNDA. In 2012, it will focus on the theme “Promoting productive capacity, employment and decent work to eradicate poverty in the context of inclusive, sustainable and equitable economic growth at all levels for achieving the MDGs”.

What can stakeholders expect? - The overall objective is for the AMR to help scale-up and speed-up implementation. Participants will be able to engage in discussions on innovative policies in implementing the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs. Participants will also have an opportunity to learn from each others' experiences during roundtable discussions and through national presentations, which bring together leading experts and policy makers.

What makes the AMR different? - The AMR is the only UN intergovernmental platform with multi-stakeholder involvement, which assesses progress made in the implementation of the UN Development Agenda (UNDA) at the country level. With its broad-based participation, which includes civil society, the private sector and academia, it is also the most inclusive global UNDA review forum. By combining a global review, with thematic discussion and national voluntary presentations, the AMR, unlike other reviews, provides a bridge between operational and normative aspects of development.

What is the theme of the AMR?

What will the 2012 AMR session look like? - The Review will consist of a general debate and roundtable discussions with leading experts on the AMR theme, where Ministers and other high-level officials will assess progress (or lack thereof) towards the achievement of the MDGs. Each year developing and developed countries make national voluntary presentations (NVPs). For the 2012 AMR, eleven countries will volunteer for NVPs, including Algeria, Brazil, Ecuador, Kenya, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Senegal and Ukraine. A website on “” captures examples of best practices and lessons learned by NVP countries.

Where can I find background documentation? - The report of the Secretary-General for the AMR and other background documents for the AMR session and AMR preparatory events will be made available on the website. See also 2011 documents, , , and .

What will be the outcome? - Each year, the Economic and Social Council is expected to adopt a Ministerial Declaration at the end of the high-level segment, which will give guidance and help to advance implementation of internationally agreed goals and commitments related to the theme. See for example:; ;; ; . In addition to the declaration, informal summaries are made available on the website.

How to engage? - There are many opportunities to get involved. Member States, UN system organizations, other major institutional stakeholders, non-governmental organizations, private sector representatives and academics are encouraged to get involved in the preparatory meetings held at the national, regional and global level as well as the AMR July session. Virtual participation will also be possible via the e-discussion.

What other events took place around the AMR? - The AMR innovation fair and side events will provide an opportunity to showcase examples of best practices and to share lessons-learned.

Where do I get further information? - Please contact us at ecosocinfo@un.org.