
Latest Statements by USG Mr Wu Hongbo - 2013

Date Meeting Location
16 December 2013 High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization Yangzhou, China
12 December 2013 High- Level Expert Group Meeting for the Global Sustainable Development Report Beijing, China
13 November 2013 Closing Remarks on SIDS New York
13 November 2013 Opening Remarks on SIDS New York
4 November 2013 Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1 November 2013 Strengthening the Resilience of SlDS within the context of Sustainable Development New York
30 October 2013 Convention on Biological Diversity New York
21 October 2013 Statement to the High-Level Leaders Meeting Indonesia
17 October 2013 Seoul Conference on Cyberspace 2013 Seoul, Korea
9 October 2013 Budapest Water Summit 2013 New York
7 October 2013 Opening Statement to the Third Committee of the General Assembly New York
4 October 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development New York
25 September 2013 Luncheon Side Event in Preparation for DCF Germany High-level Symposium New York
25 September 2013 High Level Breakfast on Raising Visibility towards the 2014 Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States New York
24 September 2013 Global Sustainable Development Report and the need for a data revolution New York
23 September 2013 High-level Meeting on Disability and Development New York
20 September 2013 20th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development New York
19 September 2013 Roundtable on Investing in Young People New York
16 September 2013 Closing remarks at the Meeting of AOSIS New York
4 September 2013 High-level segment of the informal meeting on Improving Connectivity in Eurasia organized by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan New York
28 August 2013 Opening meeting of the first session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing New York
27 August 2013 Side Event on Fostering Private Sector Partnerships For SIDS Bridgetown, Barbados
27 August 2013 Sustainable Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda (Session 8) Bridgetown, Barbados
26 August 2013 Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Bridgetown, Barbados
17 July 2013 Opening Statement at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States AIMS Regional Preparatory Meeting Mah¨¦, Seychelles
13 July 2013 Closing Remarks at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting Nadi, Fiji
10 July 2013 Opening Statement at Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting Nadi, Fiji
5 July 2013 Introduction of the report of the SG on the role of the UN system Geneva
4 July 2013 Thematic Debate – Panel I: Shaping the post-2015 development agenda Geneva
2 July 2013 Introduction of the Reports of the Secretary-General Geneva
2 July 2013 Current Developments in the World Economy Geneva
27 June 2013 Closing Remarks United Nations Public Service Day and Awards Ceremony Bahrain
27 June 2013 Opening Remarks United Nations Public Service Day and Awards Ceremony Bahrain
14 June 2013 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Event New York
7 June 2013 A renewed global partnership for development for a post-2015 era Addis Ababa
6 June 2013 DCF Ethiopia High-Level Symposium Press Statement Addis Ababa
6 June 2013 DCF Ethiopia High-Level Symposium Opening Remarks Addis Ababa
5 June 2013 Remarks at the Caucus of Least Developed Countries Addis Ababa
28 May 2013 Safeguarding Financing for Sustainable Development New York
24 May 2013 Statement for roundtable at the VI Astana Economic Forum and World anti-crisis conference Astana , Kazakhstan
23 May 2013 Opening speech at the VI Astana Economic Forum and World anti-crisis conference Astana , Kazakhstan
13 May 2013 Closing remarks at ECOSOC Integration Meeting New York
13 May 2013 2013 ECOSOC Integration Meeting New York
6 May 2013 Luncheon Hosted by the Permanent Representative of Turkey on UNFF10 New York
30 April 2013 General Assembly Consultative Workshops New York
26 April 2013 Commission on Population and Development New York
24 April 2013 Closing Remarks at ECOSOC Partnerships Forum New York
18 April 2013 CEPA Awards New York
17 April 2013 GA WG on Sustainable Development Goals New York
15 April 2013 Conference of South-South Cooperation Partners New Delhi
11 April 2013 the Private Sector in Forest Financing Istanbul, Turkey
10 April 2013 ¡°Forests for People¡± Awards Ceremony Istanbul, Turkey
10 April 2013 Forests, post-2015 and the Rio+20 outcomes Istanbul, Turkey
9 April 2013 Remarks at the Informal Ministerial Event at UNFF10 Turkey
9 April 2013 Closing remarks at the Ministerial Segment at UNFF10 Turkey
9 April 2013 Side Event organized by World Resources Institute at UNFF10 Turkey
9 April 2013 Key Note Speech – UNFF10 Ministerial Roundtable 2 Turkey
8 April 2013 Remarks at the Press Conference of UNFF10 Turkey
8 April 2013 Opening Statement at UNFF10 Turkey
27 March 2013 ECOSOC Youth Forum New York
21 March 2013 the International Day Of Forests Beijing
18 March 2013 Luncheon hosted by China Energy Fund Committe Hong Kong
18 March 2013 Remarks at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
5 March 2013 22nd UN/INTOSAI Symposium Vienna
28 February 2013 Lessons-learned workshop on 2012 QCPR process New York
26 February 2013 44th Session of the UN Statistical Commission New York
25 February 2013 G77 and China Brainstorming New York
18 February 2013 UNEP Governing Council Nairobi
13 February 2013 Plenary meeting of AOSIS New York
8 February 2013 2013 AARP-United Nations Briefing Series on Global Ageing New York
8 February 2013 Introduction of Secretary-General¡¯s report New York
6 February 2013 the Commission for Social Development New York
4 February 2013 High Level Forum on GGIM Doha, Qatar
30 January 2013 Informal consultations on High-Level Political Forum New York
28 January 2013 Handover ceremony of ECOSOC Presidency New York
15 January 2013 Sustainable Energy for All Abu Dhabi
13 January 2013 IRENA 3rd General Assembly Abu Dhabi
12 January 2013 Conference on International Cooperation Shanghai