
Mr. Wu Hongbo Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Secretary-General for the International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Lessons-learned workshop on 2012 QCPR process

Mr. Puschra,
Dear colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to join you this afternoon.?

First, I would like to give special thanks to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation New York Office for organizing this workshop, to reflect on the 2012 QCPR process.

The Foundation, or FES, as we all know, has been a strong supporter of the QCPR process over the past year and a half. We appreciate its support.

The QCPR has been an arduous process.

By reflecting together on the success of the 2012 QCPR, we can draw lessons learned and apply them to other initiatives.

Today we are fortunate to have in the same room many of the participants of the 2012 QCPR negotiations.

The QCPR resolution of the General Assembly is a significant legislative achievement in strengthening the UN development system.

It sets in motion a period of transformative change for the delivery of UN operational activities for development, at the country level.

But the adoption of the QCPR resolution is not an end in itself. Its full and timely implementation is even more important.???

In the QCPR process, the Secretariat tried to provide an impartial and evidence-based analysis.? We hope we succeeded in facilitating delegates¡¯ deliberations and decision-making.

In the discussion today, I urge you to be candid in your feedback on the overall work, both on substantive analysis, and intergovernmental negotiations.? Your critical insights are important to us.

As you have seen from the programme, we hope you will address, among other things, the substantive preparations for the 2012 QCPR, including the informal workshops and training events.

We are keen to hear your feedback on the various aspects of the QCPR negotiations, including its planning, organization, servicing and facilitation.

And we also hope you will share with us views on any successful aspects of the QCPR process and on how such ¡®good practices¡¯ can be applied in other intergovernmental processes.

Dear Colleagues,

In QCPR, we are united for a common purpose: to build a UN development system that can respond more effectively to the changing development needs and priorities of programme countries.?

That common purpose should guide our deliberations.? I wish you the most productive session this afternoon.

Thank you for your participation.
