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  1. Remarks at Commemoration of United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    ... her school friends, the kidnapping of the Chibok girls, the terror inflicted on women 每 especially minorities 每 in Syria, Iraq and many ...

  2. Report of the Secretary-General: D. Promotion and protection of human rights

    ... conflict involving a variety of non-State actors who spread terror across borders, were often implicated in organized crime and perpetrated ...

  3. Highlight 5 January 2018

    ... *s Director-General, Audrey Azoulay, condemned the terror attack on a Shiite cultural centre in Afghanistan*s capital, Kabul, on ... essential role in upholding it must be protected from terror that seeks to reduce individuals and communities to unquestioning ...

  4. Highlight 10 December 2019

    ... Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said a manmade terror is keeping health workers awake at night in the Democratic Republic of ...

  5. Remarks to press following meeting with President Buhari of Nigeria

    ... including of course the troubling levels of violence and terror perpetrated by Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria 每 and beyond. I ...

  6. Commencement Address at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies: "Global Leadership in a Time of Crisis"

    ... freedom from hunger, health and education and security from terror or the threat of Armageddon. A multilateralism whose instruments, ... with the plight of people trapped by fighting and living in terror and grave hardship. Unfortunately, as you also know well, this is ...

  7. Toast at lunch for Heads of State and Government

    ... East, nuclear disarmament, the threat of extremism, crime, terror. These can only be solved by making common cause through the United ...

  8. Highlight 23 February 2005

    ... East were angered and outraged by the cold-blooded terror attack in Lebanon that took the life of former Prime Minister Rafik ...

  9. Remarks at High-Level Meeting on the Situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

    ... and pillaging local populations as part of a campaign of terror. The numbers are alarming. Over 260,000 people have fled the ...

  10. Remarks at General Assembly Presentation of the Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism

    ... a harsh reaction. We all lose by responding to ruthless terror with mindless policy 每 policies that turn people against each another, ...