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  1. Secretary-General Kofi Annan¡¯s Tip O¡¯Neill Lecture, ¡°Learning the lessons of peace-building¡±, delivered at Magee Campus, University of Ulster, United Kingdom, on 18 October:

    ... years now you have been spared the large-scale violence and terror that used to disfigure your beautiful part of the country and seemed to ...

  2. Highlight 30 June 2016

    ... He said the first two events were clearly acts of terror and the third was referred to as a ¡°mistake¡± that cut short an ...

  3. Remarks at the launching of the United Nations Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites

    ... havens for reflection and peace, not sites of bloodshed and terror.? ? People everywhere must be allowed to observe and practice ...

  4. Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization

    ... conflict involving a variety of non-State actors who spread terror across borders, were often implicated in organized crime and perpetrated ...

  5. Highlight 11 May 2007

    ... situation, causing renewed displacement and spreading terror among the civilian population. ? Meanwhile, the ...

  6. Highlight 01 August 2018

    ... and said there is no justification for such acts of terror. U.N. OFFICIALS VOICE CONCERN OVER VIOLATION OF RIGHTS OF GAZA ...

  7. Highlight 10 March 2005

    ... with a group of organizations representing victims of terror, accompanied by King Juan Carlos of Spain and former Brazilian ...

  8. Highlight 1 July 2016

    ... in violence over the past two days. He condemned all acts of terror and violence. SECRETARY-GENERAL TO VISIT CHINA On ...

  9. Statement following the news of Osama Bin Laden's Death

    ... http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=38245&Cr=terror&Cr1= Ban Ki-moon ...

  10. Highlight 18 March 2010

    ... in Israel . ? All such acts of terror and violence against civilians are totally unacceptable and contrary ...