
Priorities: Prevention

1. Support the development and implementation of national disaster risk reduction plans that address growing challenges of climate change, environmental degradation, urbanization and population growth. Special emphasis should be placed on the least developed and most vulnerable countries, including by providing a platform for South-South cooperation and facilitating the use of innovative methods and technologies.

2. Prioritize early warning and early action on preventing violent conflict by:

  • Mapping, linking, collecting and integrating information from across the international system;
  • Supporting national capacities for facilitation and dialogue;
  • Ensuring that UN good offices, mediation, crisis response and peacebuilding services are easily and rapidly deployable.

3. Advance a preventive approach to human rights by:

  • Developing a policy framework that identifies basic elements needed to prevent human rights violations;
  • Establishing a preventive matrix that will chart progress and gaps in the use of a range of human rights instruments;
  • Advancing the responsibility to protect agenda.

4. Build resilience to external economic and financial shocks by helping countries identify vulnerabilities rapidly and adopt adequate social safety nets and policies that promote job-led growth.