
LDCs NFPs Meeting 2023

Tuesday, 11 July 2023 - 9:00am to Wednesday, 12 July 2023 - 5:45pm


The DPoA states that efficient follow-up and monitoring mechanisms adapted at the national, subregional, regional and global levels are crucial for the successful implementation of the Doha Programme of Action and are fully aligned with existing frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals. National, regional and global mechanisms should be mutually complementary and reinforcing. Necessary steps will be taken to ensure the mutual accountability of least developed countries and their development partners for delivering on their commitments undertaken under the Doha Programme of Action.

National-level arrangements are particularly important, given that the Doha Programme of Action is owned and led by the least developed countries themselves. At the national level, each least developed country Government should develop an ambitious national implementation strategy regarding the Doha Programme of Action and integrate the provisions of the Programme of Action into its national policies and development and United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework and conduct regular country-led and country-driven reviews, with the full involvement of all key stakeholders.


Thus the 2023 NFP meeting will aim to take stock of mainstreaming of the DPoA so far, identify challenges as well as additional support needed by building on the lessons from the 2022 meeting and the LDC5 Conference. It will also present concrete tools for monitoring and mainstreaming developed by the regional commissions and other UN agencies and discuss how these can be improved.

Holding the NFP meeting at the sidelines of the HLPF would allow participants to also participate in other parts of the meeting, including the session on: African countries, Least Developed Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries - Turning the tide, regaining lost ground and embarking on the road to the SDGs as well as potential side events co-organized by OHRLLS on food security, access to finance and sustainable energy. It would also allow them to interact with other stakeholders present at the Forum.


Statements & Presentations

Day 1 Session 1

Day 1 Session 2

Day 2 Session 3

Day 2 Session 4

Day 2 Session 5