
Consultative Meeting on the third United Nations Conference on LLDCs

Thursday, 01 February 2024 - 5:30pm to Friday, 02 February 2024 - 5:30pm

The Office of the High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS (UN-OHRLLS) is convening a Consultative Meeting (retreat) of the LLDCs, transit countries and Friends of LLDCs in the lead-up to the third United Nations Conference on LLDCs (LLDC3).


Please register  (by invitation only).


The main objective of the Consultative Meeting is to engage in an informal exchange of views among Permanent Representatives of the LLDCs, transit countries, and Friends of LLDCs, as well as selected experts, on key priorities, possible outcomes, and deliverables of the LLDC3.


The meeting will begin with a working dinner on Thursday evening, 1 February, and consist of interactive thematic sessions in the morning and afternoon of Friday, 2 February 2024.


Permanent Representative plus one expert from each of the LLDCs, transit countries and Friends of LLDCs are invited to attend the event. Transportation (a bus), accommodation for one night (1 February) and meals will be covered by the UN-OHRLLS.

Contact information

For further information or clarification, please contact: Mr. Xuqian Qin Email: xuqian.qin@un.org; Tel: +1 646-250-7764.


Concept Note here.

Save The Date here.

Information note for participants

Draft programme


Thematic sessions

Issue Paper Session 1

Issue Paper Session 2

Issue Paper Session 3

Issue Paper Session 4