

New Articles

01 November 2019

The United Nations Secretariat has adopted a new 10-year Climate Action Plan aimed at transforming its operations to achieve a 45 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and sourcing 80 per cent of electricity from renewable energy by 2030. The plan is aligned with the United Nations system?sustainability management strategy (2020-2030) and the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

30 August 2019

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Catherine Pollard of Guyana as the next Under-Secretary-General for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance.? She will succeed Jan Beagle of New Zealand to whom the Secretary-General is deeply grateful for her extraordinary work in management reform in the United Nations system and 40 years of dedicated service to the Organization.

25 July 2019

Advancing the Secretary-General’s “zero tolerance” vision, and priority agenda to?address sexual harassment?in the workplace, ?a??has been developed to prevent harassment, including sexual harassment, at UN system events.

02 April 2019

To establish a dialogue with heads of entity who received from the Secretary-General on 1 January 2019, the Under-Secretaries-General for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) and for Operational Support (DOS) co-chaired two regional briefings, with support from their Assistant Secretaries-General in late January. At the time of the workshops, most heads of entity had accepted their delegation of authority via an online portal.

11 March 2019

Business Transformation and Accountability (BTA)—a critical pillar of the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC)—is a shining example of innovative transformation afforded by the new management paradigm.

27 February 2019

The launch of the new Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) on 1 January 2019 was a critical step in the path to make the Secretary?General’s vision for a nimbler, more responsive United Nations a reality.

28 January 2019

The vision for management reform is to improve programme delivery by aligning responsibility for mandate implementation with the authority to manage resources, simplifying the administrative policy framework of the Secretariat, and moving decision-making closer to the point of delivery.

01 January 2019

To support the shift to a decentralized management paradigm, the General Assembly approved the establishment of two new departments - the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) and the Department of Operational Support (DOS). On 1 January 2019, both departments were launched.

On management issues, DMSPC has a clear policy, strategy and compliance role, while DOS is focused on operations, services, transactions and support to entities in weak environments.

01 November 2018

Preliminary Results of this year’s carbon emissions indicate that the United Nations Headquarters will be carbon neutral for the first time ever. According to current estimates, the United Nations Headquarters carbon footprint for 2018 will be entirely compensated by??(CERs).?

16 October 2018

On 16 October, at a?Department of Management?town hall meeting, Under-Secretary-General?Beagle announced the near completion of the exercise to match department staff with positions in the new Departments for Management, Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) and?Operational Support (DOS). She assured participants the goal was to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the placement of serving staff, while at the same time minimizing disruption to work.