
UNJSPF Rules and Pension Adjustment System of the Fund (JSPB/G.4/Rev.19 of 1 January 2014)

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The Applicant does not contest a decision of the Secretary-General but a decision of UNJSPF, which he claims was communicated to him by the Chief of the Office of the UNJSPF at Geneva. The Tribunal has already stated in the past that it is not competent to review UNJSPF decisions. UNJSPF is an entity established to provide retirement, death, disability and related benefits for the staff of its various member organizations. The Secretary-General has no role in the administration of UNJSPF benefits. The UNJSPF is also not one of the agencies, organizations or entities “where a special agreement...

As per the account of both parties, previously awarded costs had been paid and, thus, what remained to be considered is if the 2014 contested decision has been fully rescinded or not. The issues at stake are of a medical nature and that is why this Tribunal remanded the matter by Order No. 24 (GVA/2016) so that a Medical Board is convened and a determination on the Applicant’s sick leave entitlements is made. This medical determination is a condition sine qua non for the submission for consideration for a disability benefit by the UNSPC. Contrary to what the Applicant argues, UNJSPF...