20 March 2023 | UNDSS Comms 

The European Union has contributed EUR 300,000 towards the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) . The contribution is the first investment by a donor in enabling UNDSS to provide effective, people centered security support to the UN family and its partners, especially in times of crisis.

This support will go towards the creation of an Emergency Response Team, getting the most talented and experienced security experts to the front lines of crisis thereby allow a rapid scale-up of humanitarian operations and a better enabling environment for humanitarian aid delivery, notably in the most complex and dangerous contexts. Support will also go towards a revitalised information management system and tools that will strengthen UNDSS' capacity to respond quickly and effectively to security challenges in support of the humanitarian system by harnessing the potential of digital technologies, supporting timely data-based critical decision-making and situational awareness.

In expressing appreciation for the generous contribution from the European Union, Under Secretary-General Michaud said, ¡°This contribution from the European Union is an important first step in addressing some of the UN¡¯s most acute and urgent vulnerabilities. When fully funded, the Appeal will enable UNDSS to respond with the right capabilities at the right time and in the right place. We sincerely thank the European Union for their commitment to UNDSS.¡±

Background Information: The United Nations Department of Safety and Security mission is to help the United Nations deliver its mandates and programmes so it can reach those in need, even in the most dangerous places. UNDSS enables the planning and safe conduct of mandates, missions, activities, and programmes of the United Nations system. UNDSS is present in over 125 countries. Security is crucial to all UN programmes, so UNDSS works wherever the UN has a footprint. For more information on the UNDSS Appeal please visit our website.