20 May 2023

In the recent past, certain areas of Tajikistan such as the Sughd region have experienced increased cases of armed conflicts. Occasionally, escalating and dangerous conditions have prompted United Nations personnel to relocate.  Informed by the ever-changing security environment and needs analysis, the United Nations Security Management System in the country has been delivering different security and safety training courses targeting UN personnel. Recently, the UNDSS recently oversaw the training of 20 UNSMS personnel based in Khujand in first aid, security communication, earthquake preparedness, personal security awareness, including aspects for women safety, and UNDSS reaction to harassment/gender-based security issues. 

A certified trainer from the Tajikistan Red Crescent Society delivered the first aid session which covered fundamental life-saving skills necessary for giving immediate life-saving care. Participants in a different session on security communication learned about the UN's callsigns system, communication procedures, and basic radio communication. "Long-time staffers were happy to refresh their knowledge because they had not had such training for a long time while newcomers learned the importance of satellite and handheld radio usage in their work," said Jamshed Kazi, the Security Adviser for Tajikistan.   

Lastly, the earthquake preparedness training equipped attendees with vital information and practical strategies for managing earthquake disasters, addressing pre, during, and post-earthquake actions, hazard identification, and household preparedness planning. Another integral part of the training was the Women¡¯s Security Awareness Training' which covered areas such as personal security awareness, safer travel for women, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN personnel. 

After the training, different participants expressed their satisfaction, with one saying, "I feel more knowledgeable and confident thanks to the technical skills I have gained from the training session." "It was helpful to have female security trainers and a safe environment as some topics and discussions led to sharing certain sensitive experiences," said another participant. As a result of the positive feedback, UNDSS Tajikistan will continue to plan more trainings to assist UN personnel and their dependents in a variety of security-related areas.