18 January 2023

What do you do? 

As a Field Security Associate for the Training Unit at UNDSS Syria, I assist training teams in delivering safety and security training to all UN agencies and Internation Non-Governmental Organizations.  

 In 2021, I had the chance to develop a mobile application which served as a training tool to help facilitators and trainees ¡°go green¡± by reducing their amount of paper usage.? 

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?? 

I think it would be my ability to adapt to different types of situations, because working in a safety and security department requires different levels of awareness and readiness and you have to be ready to adapt at a moment¡¯s notice. 

What is your fondest memory while working at UNDSS in 2022??? 

In 2022, I had the opportunity to co-develop a new training platform with the other UNDSS Syria training coordinator, . We shared several funny moments while completing the project.? 

What advice do you have to younger, newer staff?? 

I would advise new staff on the value of sharing: I think colleagues should share their experiences, passions, and joy with one another, because it is through sharing that we will be able to build a better world for future generations.? 

What is a fun fact about you?? 

I would really like to try skydiving, but I¡¯m afraid of heights.