27 May 2022 | UNDSS Comms

UNDSS is working to support UN partners and enable humanitarian delivery in Ukraine through security risk management advice and expertise.

From 18 - 22 May Gilles Michaud, USG for Safety and Security, travelled to Ukraine to assess new and evolving security realities; engage with the Government on topics of mutual interest; thank UN security personnel and their partners; and explore what more can be done to further enable the safe delivery of humanitarian and reconstruction assistance. He travelled to Lviv and Kyiv and visited areas heavily affected by the war, including Borodyanka, Bucha, Irpin, and Makariv.

In meetings with Government officials and members of the diplomatic community, USG Michaud reiterated United Nations¡¯ commitment to stay and deliver for and with the people of Ukraine. He committed to maintaining an agile and responsive approach in support of UN operations: ¡°The United Nations is fully committed to supporting the enhanced needs of the people of Ukraine. As the Organization continues to mobilize and scale up humanitarian, recovery, and rebuilding efforts, UNDSS is playing an active role in enabling an increased UN presence throughout the country to save lives and reduce suffering¡±.

USG Michaud reviewed operational security requirements that are essential for sustaining the UN response in the months to come, particularly on mobility, coordination and partnerships.

USG Michaud gave full credit to the security team in Ukraine: ¡°they are working tirelessly to provide day and night support to high tempo operations in what is among one of the difficult and challenging environments. What impressed me most was that they work with a single focus: ensuring that the UN family and humanitarian partners can reach people in need¡±, said Michaud. ¡°There is no programme without security, and our security staff make it happen¡± he added.

The UN¡¯s response in Ukraine is rife with challenges: the size of the country and reliance on road movement during an open conflict brings layers of risk to operations. Despite the immense obstacles, the international community has quickly deployed humanitarian aid to assist those affected by the war. The UN and its partners have scaled up lifesaving relief operations in all areas of Ukraine by establishing eight humanitarian hubs. Through these efforts, 6.4 million people are now receiving humanitarian support in the form of food items, shelter, and health care. This represents one of the largest emergency operations in the UN¡¯s history. UNDSS will continue to play an active part in ensuring that the Organization fulfils its mission.

The fast-paced environment in Ukraine requires an agile, flexible and creative response to swiftly and effectively support the humanitarian operation and address the complex and unprecedented security needs across the country. UNDSS in Ukraine is working with more than 1000 UNSMS counterparts spread across eight humanitarian hubs. The Department is also deploying additional capacity to complement the existing security structure in the field thanks to a grant from the United States Agency for International Development.