21 September 2022 | UNDSS Comms 

While the 77th UN General Assembly bring together world leaders for only a few days this week, the UN Security professionals spend months to adequately prepare for a smooth meeting. It¡¯s a vigorous planning phase that brings different specialized security teams from the UN and host government. From physical security to fire safety, and emergency safety, the Headquarters Security and Safety Service (SSS) coordinates all the preparations. Nothing is left to chance: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) protective measures, mass evacuation by land and sea, and drone countermeasures are considered in the run-up to the Assembly. So how do all the different security components jell together? Here is a brief overview of how UN Security supports the UN General Assembly.   

How does Security and Safety Service support the UN General Assembly?  

The Service starts preparing for the General Assembly at the beginning of the year through bi-weekly meetings. These involve different Security and Safety Service units to review, assess and update security requirements during the Assembly. Additionally, the Service holds joint coordination meetings with host country law enforcement entities involved in the preparation of the meeting given the high number of very important persons who attend the high-level debates. Also, as part of the planning phase, the Service conducts joint drills and tabletop exercises to ensure that the plans are realistic and actionable. In addition, the Service lead physical walk-throughs of the UN compound with representatives of Permanent Missions to the UN to brief and familiarize their national security and other components of their delegations with security requirements and services offered to them.  

How is the UN General Assembly different from other high-level meetings from a security perspective? 

The number of Heads of State, Heads of Government, and other high-level dignitaries that attend the Assembly simultaneously set it apart from other meetings. Also, there is a generally high participation rate from delegates compared to other high-level meetings held outside of the high-level period. On top of that, the Service must prepare for the participation of new mission staff and delegates, who are not familiar with the event and require more security guidance.  For these and other reasons SSS often refer to UN General Debate as the UN security¡¯s ¡°Superbowl Event¡±. 

How do you coordinate with other host government agencies? 

Over the years, the Service has built friendly working relationships with the host country's security agencies making collaboration and coordination much easier. At the operational level, the general debate is designated a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the Department of Homeland Security and the Security and Safety Service participates in the Executive Steering Committee led by the Secret Service, through the Chief and Deputy Chief. At least 18 US law enforcement and emergency agencies participate in that committee. For the 77th UN General Assembly, the SSS in New York participated in 11 sub-committees on maritime operations, intelligence, fire safety, Hazard Materials and CBRN, dignitary protection, crisis management, counter-surveillance, and public affairs, to name a few. Besides, organized meetings and walkthroughs, the Service coordinates with host country agencies through constant communication, joint drills, and tabletop exercises.  The Service also has colleagues with more than 20 years of preparing for the General Assembly which is an asset.  

How do you prepare the coordination and reception of Very Important Persons (VIP? 

In close coordination with the Protocol and Liaison Service, the Security and Safety Service monitors the General Assembly¡¯s agenda and the expected dignitaries. After that, SSS reviews and assesses the threat level against each dignitary in conjunction with their national security personnel and with host country law enforcement agencies, to determine the level of security coverage each VIP will be afforded. The US Secret Service is primarily responsible for the security of the VIPs outside the UN premises and coordinates the arrivals and departures at the UN alongside the SSS Special Services Unit. While inside the premises, most dignitaries also receive close protection personnel from the SSS. Distinctly, The UN Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary General, and President of the General Assembly, who receive close protection from the Service on a regular basis, have very intensive schedules during the Assembly that require additional resources to be covered by the Security and Safety¡¯s Executive Protection Unit during the high-level week. 

What are some of the security measures taken during the Assembly 

The Service¡¯s concept of security is based on implementing external and internal security checkpoints, establishing screening areas and restricted zones to control access into areas surrounding the complex, as well as maintaining high-security levels inside the compound. Through these measures, dignitaries can move freely and conduct their business while inside the UN. Additionally, the Service conduct bomb sweeps in conjunction with host country law enforcement entities, close circuit television surveillance and perimeter protection ensure that the whole compound is always safe.