4 November 2022 | UNDSS Comms

ECA SSS Ethiopia introduced bicycle patrols inside the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) compound to improve security patrols. The patrols, which were initially put into operation in June 2022, have proved to be a reliable, quick, affordable, and adaptable way to move around freely inside the UNECA compound. 

This approach was applauded by Mr. Jaki Azmi, former Chief of Security and Safety Services. "UNECA compound is large, and the perimeter wall is approximately 4 km long; it is tough to traverse by foot patrol," he said. Officers can patrol fast and efficiently on bicycles. Mr. Azmi continued, "It also boosts officers' fitness level, increases muscle strength and flexibility, and decreases stress level. Biking is a fun and healthy physical activity that strengthens your heart muscles, lowers resting pulses, and reduces blood fat levels. The purchase of six mountain bikes and related gear improves these patrols. 

Biking is a green and environment-friendly mode of transportation. ¡°The initiative is part of our contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals particularly Goal 13 on Climate Action,¡± stated Mr. Azmi.