

Most refugees from Ukraine hope to return home as soon as possible but around two-thirds expect to stay in their host countries until hostilities subside and the security situation improves, according to a new by . The survey showed that 16 percent of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia were planning to return to Ukraine in the coming two months, with 15 percent of those planning to stay temporarily to visit family, get supplies or help relatives evacuate.

Food can be a powerful tool for integration, but for many people who have had to flee, food is also a constant concern. According to a recent survey by , 48 per cent of refugees in the Americas reported eating only twice a day, while 6 per cent said they were able to eat only one meal a day. In a new , refugees and displaced people in the Americas and the Caribbean share their stories and the flavours of home past and present. Each recipe in the book combines flavours from displaced peoples countries of origin and their new homes.

Francis Mb矇r矇 never thought he would enjoy life again after what he endured in his home country, the Central African Republic. But nine years after fleeing brutal attacks, he proudly parades the streets of his adopted hometown, Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo, with his friends and fellow sapeurs. The sapeurs are followers of a fashion and cultural movement known as La Sape the Society of Ambiance Makers and Elegant People (Soci矇t矇 des Ambianceurs et des Personnes l矇gantes in French) that gained popularity in the 1960s in Brazzaville and Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The movement was inspired by 19th century French dandyism. Francis strikes a pose outside his home, joined by his son Severin and his friend Creche, aka Parabola.

During the first quarter of 2022, more than 18,000 refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean to reach Europe. Altogether, 2.3 million have taken this same journey in the past eight years. Between 2014 and 2021, over 24,400 people have lost their lives or gone missing trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Many others have suffered unspeakable violations of their human rights - at a scale likely higher and more severe than the already alarming estimates. This is a widespread, longstanding and largely overlooked tragedy.

According to new data from , the number of forcibly displaced people worldwide rose towards 90 million by the end of 2021, propelled by new waves of violence or conflict in countries including Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, Nigeria, Afghanistan and the DR Congo. In addition, the war in Ukraine has displaced 8 million within the country this year, and more than 6 million refugee movements from Ukraine have been registered. At over 1 per cent of the global population, the overall figure is equivalent to the 14th most populous country in the world.

The Salgueiro samba school, whose theme for this years parade was the fight against racism, invited 20 refugees as part of a partnership with , to promote integration of refugees into the country. Refugees from Syria, Venezuela, Angola and DR Congo took part in perhaps the most Brazilian of all events the all-night-explosion of music, drumming, and dancing that is Rios annual Carnival parade.  Brazil is home to refugees from 88 countries and has received an estimated 325,000 refugees and migrants from Venezuela, in recent years.

and TikTok launched a music campaign promoting solidarity with refugees globally. calls on creators to spread a message for safe and legal access to asylum for all.

In 2021, UNHCR challenged students to address the impact of COVID-19 on refugees, refugee womens rights, refugees social inclusion and the use of technology to empower refugees. The best ideas have been turned into LEGO scenes by an artist.

Six international football stars including the first Syrian refugee to play in the German Bundesliga are joining forces with the  (WFP) and the (UNHCR) to raise funds for people fleeing . The  includes players from across the UKs Premier League, the Bundesliga and the French Division 1 F矇minine, accompanies by music from WFP Goodwill Ambassador . UNHCR and WFPs global  appeal comes at a time when almost a quarter of Ukraines population more than 10 million people have been forced from their homes. WFP is building a massive operation to provide food for civilians trapped in major cities and assist others impacted by the conflict who have fled to neighbouring countries. This little girl is enjoying mealtime at a school serving as a reception centre for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.


Youth groups made up of Rakhine and Rohingya members are coming up with solutions to shared challenges in Myanmars ethnically divided Rakhine State.

Almost an entire generation of Syrian children are growing up as refugees in neighbouring countries who have either never seen or have no memory of their homeland.

Information for media: If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please visit .

Angelina Jolie, the Special Envoy for , is in Yemen this week to draw attention to the devastating consequences of the seven-year-old conflict on the civilian population. Yemens protracted conflict has resulted in thousands of civilian casualties. Jolie called on all parties to the conflict to respect and commit to international humanitarian law. She also called for all parties to avoid targeting civilians, and to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need, safe passage for civilians to flee conflict areas, and a negotiated political settlement.

While the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines last year raised hopes of a way out of the pandemic, it also brought fresh waves of rumour and myth. Seeing the need to counter such myths, Laban and fellow volunteers, took action. They received guidance and verified information on the vaccine from UNHCR, to help them fight misinformation and answer the many questions people had. As COVID-19 spread, their network of 120 volunteers from the Great Step Initiative, a community-based organization that provides mental health services to refugees in Nigeria, swung into action to fight misinformation.

Afro-Ecuadorians and Afro-Colombian refugees use traditional arrullo rhythms and song to open a conversation about gender-based violence.

The end of the fighting in Afghanistan this summer meant this family could return to their house in Marja a war-ravaged farming town in southern Helmand Province after six years of moving between temporary dwellings. But the sight that greeted them on their return a few weeks ago was one of devastation. The entire back section of the house, located near a now-abandoned military base, had been reduced to a rubble-filled husk. There is hardly a building in the town that does not bear the scars of the conflict.