

The climate crisis and human displacement are increasingly linked. Not only did climate-related disasters cause more than half of all new displacements reported in 2022, but nearly 60 percent of refugees and internally displaced people now live in countries that are among the most vulnerable to climate change. Our understanding of these connections is growing, but the ways in which our rapidly changing climate is forcing people to move and making life harder for those already displaced, are complex and evolving. This situation has led to a proliferation of myths and disinformation. Here are related to the climate crisis and displacement, followed by what the knows.

The intense fighting in Khartoum has created a humanitarian emergency inside Sudan and the wider region. the humanitarian community is responding.

A promotes the integration of displaced children in Colombia's educational communities.

While armed conflicts, rising food insecurity, and the climate emergency have pushed displaced people around the world to the brink, refugees are finding ways to contribute to their host communities, as educators, entrepreneurs, advocates, climate activists and health-care workers, among others. During the upcoming , an opportunity to mobilize action for positive change in the lives of refugees will be appreciated as the 17 goals collectively known as the cannot be fully realized without their inclusion. Being a refugee is not a handicap and they are living proof that their power of perseverance is towards a better future no matter the obstacles that stand in their way.

Over 50 people who fled conflict in Sudan have found shelter in Fatna Hamids home. Many Chadians like Fatna are opening their doors to Sudanese refugees arriving in Chad. Over 320,000 refugees have crossed into the countrys east since conflict began in April. form .

"I have seen, firsthand, the toll that the violence in Sudan is taking on people across the region." Goodwill Ambassador is calling for . Every act of kindness makes an impact. Please help us to continue responding. Information for media: If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please .

Exiled Afghan womens football teams scores goals in Australia in hopes of making a future in their new country, facilitated by .

presents the new video by singer-songwriter Knaan, who fled Mogadishu as a child. I wanted the song to feel like a home for those of us made homeless by conflict.

In Bentiu in South Sudan, climate change is not just an environmental issue, it is a challenge to peoples very existence. Four years of historic rains in this region have submerged farmlands, ancestral homes and road. Some 360,000 people have fled due to the floods. They now live in internal displacement sites below the waterline, hemmed in by dikes. While the mainstream debate surrounding climate change centres on the world becoming uninhabitable in the future, in Bentiu it is already a reality. continues to build drainage systems and taller dikes in preparation for the rains.

anticipates a significant rise in global refugee resettlement needs for next year. According to the , over 2.4 million refugees will be in need of resettlement, marking a 20 per cent increase compared to 2023. With a deepening refugee crisis and the emergence of new displacement situations, urgent action is required to address the challenges faced by millions of refugees and displaced individuals. UNHCR continues to advocate to allocate more places for emergency and medical cases and ensuring timely processing.

What would you bring if violence or persecution forced you to flee your country? The has worked with photographer Brian Sokol on a refugee portraiture project called The Most Important Thing. Through images and interviews, it reveals some of the anguished decisions refugee families face when they are forced to flee their homes. The most important object Dowla was able to bring with her is the wooden pole balanced over her shoulder. She used it to carry her six children during the 10-day journey to Doro refugee camp in South Sudan.

's global report found that by the end of last year, people displaced by war, persecution, violence and human rights abuses stood at 110 million. 

Garin Kaka is one of three "opportunity villages" that form part of an initiative by , together with the Niger government and local leaders, to provide refugees with a more sustainable alternative to living in camps. After being relocated to Garin Kaka, Jamilla met Hamsou after joining the peanut oil cooperative, one of several income-generating projects in the village which UNHCR partner, Action pour le Bien Etre, helped to start up. Jamilla is the president of the cooperative of 20 refugees and local women who work together to produce peanut oil.

welcomes a new law in Kyrgyzstan ensuring all children born in the country, regardless of parent status, will be registered at birth a positive measure to prevent and resolve statelessness.

explains how despite repeated calls for ceasefires, the fighting between two military factions that erupted in Sudans capital, Khartoum, quickly spreads to other parts of the country.