The new UN Member States on the Record website makes it even easier to find primary source materials related to each Member State¡¯s contribution to the activities and deliberations of the UN.

This vital UN information resource has been completely revamped and given a streamlined look and feel. 

Powered by the  and , the Library¡¯s knowledge base of frequently asked questions, the new site provides enhanced access to information about Member States¡¯ participation in the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Human Rights Council.

For each Member State, the website features:

  • General Debate statements
  • All speeches in principal organs
  • Co-sponsorship of draft resolutions
  • Date of membership with links to associated documents
  • NEW! Notes verbales announcing diplomatic relations between states
  • NEW! Dates served as member of Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and Human Rights Council

The website is now live in all six official languages. The Library also has research guides on UN membership, available in ,  and .

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