

A 16-year-old boy recovers in a rehabilitation centre in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for children who were abducted and forced to take up arms.

No place for children in conflict, UN chief tells Security Council

28 June 2021 - UNICEF regrets Secretary-General's call for global ceasefire goes unheeded.

Families displaced by conflict and violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo receive humanitarian aid from the UN.

COVID-19 pandemic ¡®feeding¡¯ drivers of conflict and instability in Africa: Guterres

19 May 2021 – Secretary-General reiterates call for global ceasefire. 

UNICEF-supplied oxygen machines helped a 58-year-old woman in Ukraine fight COVID-19.

UN Security Council demands COVID-19 vaccine ceasefires

26 February 2021 - The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously passed a resolution calling on all Member States to support a ¡°sustained humanitarian pause¡± to local conflicts, in order to allow for COVID-19 vaccinations.


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COVID-19 vaccination ¡®wildly uneven and unfair¡¯: UN Secretary-General

17 February 2021 - UNICEF Chief Henrietta Fore highlights need for global ceasefire throughout duration of vaccine delivery.


Children stand outside the tent where they live in a remote desert camp in southern rural Homs, Syria.

Gamba ¡®deeply concerned¡¯ over COVID impact on children caught in conflict

27 January 2021 - UN Special Representatives also urged all parties to conflict to endorse the Secretary-General's appeal for a global ceasefire in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

MINUSCA peacekeepers on patrol in Bangassou, Central African Republic.

¡®Meaningful and inclusive¡¯ dialogue essential to end upsurge in clashes across Central African Republic

3 February 2021 -- Secretary-General Guterres condemned continuing violence, and reiterated his call for a global ceasefire in the context of the COVID-19.


Women farmers in Sierra Leone are being encouraged to take on leadership roles in  peacebuilding.

Guterres calls for ¡®renewed approach to multilateralism¡¯, through new peacebuilding appeal

26 January 2021 - Against the backdrop of a global ceasefire appeal to fight COVID-19, the UN chief called for new peacebuilding funds promising a ¡°renewed approach to multilateralism and international cooperation¡±.


A woman and her daughter walk past the remains of destroyed homes during the March 2019 attack on Ogossagou village by armed Dogon men in which over 150 civilians were killed.

New COVID-19 strains ¡®poised to unleash¡¯ more severe infections ¨C Security Council hears

25 January 2021 - High Ranking UN officials say momentum generated by the global ceasefire can allow nations to focus instead on fighting COVID-19


Brandau A woman, carrying her child, walks back to her home from the fields in DR Congo¡¯s North Kivu province. The situation in the region remains highly volatile, with civilians bearing the brunt of armed group violence.

Guterres ¡®shocked¡¯ at massacre of civilians in eastern DR Congo

7 January 2021 - The Secretary-General reiterates his call for a global ceasefire and urges all armed groups to lay down their weapons.


Security Council has critical role in addressing fragility and conflict: UN chief

6 January 2021 - Secretary-General reiterates his plea to all engaged in violence, to direct their fire instead at the common enemy ¨C COVID-19.


Wearing a full protective suit, a women doctor who leads a group of volunteer medical professionals attending to COVID-19 patients and persons under investigation at a community hospital in the Philippines.

COVID-19 shows ¡®urgent need¡¯ for solidarity, UN chief tells Nobel forum

11 December 2020 - Secretary-General encourage by support received for his call for global ceasefire.



UN Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres addresses the Bundestag, the German parliament in Berlin.

Global challenges require global solutions, UN chief tells German parliament

18 December 2020 - Secretary-General thanks Germany for supporting call for global ceasefire to help the fight against COVID-19.


As part of the information campaign on COVID-19, the commander of the Bangladeshi medical contingent at the Security Council-mandated UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic, encourages local contractors to wear protection masks.

Fund COVAX to reduce COVID vaccination distribution inequity ¨C UN chief

9 December 2020 - Secretary-General discusses with AU Commission Chairperson how best to advance the call for a global ceasefire to marshal forces instead against the killer virus.


Children wait outside a community toilet in a urban slum in Mumbai, India.

COVID-19 recovery, focus of UN General Assembly special session

3 December 2020 - Nations united on Thursday for a special session of the UN General Assembly to survey the wreckage of the COVID-19 pandemic, reflect on the best response, and forge a path to better days ahead.


Mohammad Haneef Atmar (left), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan confers with Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Afghanistan at the UN in Geneva.

Afghanistan conference draws donor pledges and calls for lasting ceasefire

24 November 2020 - International donors pledged financial and political support for Afghanistan¡¯s peace process at the 2020 Afghanistan Conference in Geneva on Tuesday, anticipating a sustainable ceasefire that will help the country rebuild and heal after decades of conflict.