
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Appointments to fill vacancies in Subsidiary Organs and other appointments at the 59th session

(a) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
[Note by the Secretary-General -,&?]
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment/reappointment of Mr. Ronald Elkhuizin (The Netherlands), Mr. Jorge Flores Callejas (Honduras), Mr. Jerry Kramer (Canada), Ms. Sun Minquin (China), Mr. Rajat Saha (India) and Mr. Jun Yamazaki (Japan) as members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a three-year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005. ()

(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions
[Note by the Secretary-General -?,?,?,?,??&?)?
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment/reappointment of Mr. David Dutton (Australia), Mr. Paul Ekorong A. Dong (Cameroon), Mr. Bernardo Greiver del Hoyo (Uruguay), Mr. Hassan Mohammed Hassan (Nigeria), Mr. Eduardo Iglesias (Argentina), and Mr. Eduardo Manuel da Fonseca Fernandes Ramos (Portugal), as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005. ()

On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee also recommended the appointment of Mr. Vyacheslav A. Logutov (Russian Federation) to fill the unexpired term of portion of Mr. Sergei I. Mareyev (Russian Federation), as a member of the Committee on Contributions, beginning 1 January 2005 until 31 December 2005. ()

On 1 June 2005, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Mr. Henrique da Silveira Sardinha Pinto (Brazil) to fill the unexpired term of portion of Mr. Gurgel de Alencar Netto (Brazil), as a member of the Committee on Contributions, as of 6 June 2005 and expiring on 31 December 2005. ()

(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee
[Note by the Secretary-General -??&?]?
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the confirmation of appointment/reappointment of Mr. William J. McDonough (United States of America), Ms. Helene Ploix (France) and Mr. Jurgen Reimnitz (Germany), as members of the Investment Committee for a three-year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005.?)

On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Khaya Ngqula (South Africa) from that of an ad hoc member to that of a regular member in order to fill the remainder term of office of Mr. Ahmed Abdullatif (Saudi Arabia), effective December 2004 and expiring on 31 December 2005. ()

(d) Appointment of members of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
[Note by the Secretary-General -??&]?
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment/reappointment of Mr. Goh Joon Seng (Singapore), Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis (Greece) and Ms. Brigitte Stern (France), as members of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal for a four- year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005. ()

(e) Appointment of members and alternate of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Committee
[Note by the Secretary-General -??&?]?
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Mr. Kenshiro Akimoto (Japan), Mr. Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry (Pakistan), Ms. Valeria Maria Gonzalez Posse (Argentina), Mr. Andrei Vitalievitch Kovalenko (Russian Federation), Mr. Gerhard Kuntzle (Germany), Mr. Lovemore Mazemo (Zimbabwe), Mr. Philip Richard Okanda Owade (Kenya) and Mr. Thomas Repasch (United States of America), as members and alternate members of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Committee for a four-year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005. ()

(f) Appointment of members of the International Civil Service Commission
[Note by the Secretary-General -??&]?
On 8 December 2004, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment/reappointment of Mr. Fatih Bouayad-Agha (Algeria), Mr. Shamsher M. Chowdhury (Bangladesh), Mr. Vlaldimir Titov (Russian Federation), Mr. Xiaochu Wang (China) and Mr. El Hassane Zahid (Morocco) as members of the International Civil Service Commission for a four-year term of office, beginning 1 January 2005. ()


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