

Preparations for the 2015 substantive session of ECOSOC commenced with the convening of an Expert Group Meeting in preparation for the 2015 and 2016 cycles of the Council, which will focus respectively on "Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): What it will take"; and on "Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: moving from commitments to results". The meeting was held in New York on 4-5 December.  The discussions focused on the institutional, policy, monitoring, accountability and partnership dimensions of an SDG-based development agenda. Participants examined the type of changes and adaptations that will need to take place in existing institutional, policy and accountability frameworks to accommodate a universal, inclusive, and integrated development agenda and to ensure its effective implementation. They also addressed how the ECOSOC system can work more effectively to provide substantive leadership to support these changes and facilitate a smooth transition to the SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda.

Experts shared their views and insights on the issues, which were thoroughly discussed and examined in the course of the two-day meeting. The outcome of the EGM will provide the analytical basis for the preparation of the Secretary-General’s reports on the 2015 theme of the ECOSOC and on the 2015 Thematic Discussion, as well as for the preparatory activities for the next two cycles of the Council.



The ECOSOC President and members of the ECOSOC Bureau participated in the meeting, which brought together representatives of Member States, UN system, parliamentary community, academia, private sector and NGOs to discuss critical aspects of the transition from an MDG to an SDG-based development agenda.  Mr. Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, DESA delivered an opening address on behalf of Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, DESA.

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