
Implementing the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy:
Tools and Resources

The tools and resources on this page are intended to support the implementation of the UNDIS, from headquarters to the field and across programmes and operations – whether in our work on human rights, development, peace and security or humanitarian action. 

Entity Accountability Framework Technical Notes

The technical notes provide guidance on the 15 performance indicators of the Strategy’s Entity Accountability Framework, and guide entities to implement and report on the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy.
Technical Notes

HLCM Procurement Network: Guidelines on the Implementation of Indicator 8 – Procurement

The guidelines provide practical and implementable guidance for UN entities on disability-inclusive procurement by elaborating on Indicator 8 (Procurement) of the Strategy’s Entity Accountability Framework.

Guidelines on Indicator 5: Consulting Persons with Disabilities

The Guidelines provide practical guidance on how to consult persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in all disability-specific and general decision-making processes across the UN’s work.
Easy-to-read version

UN Disability-Inclusive Communications Guidelines

The Guidelines provide practical information on how to include and represent persons with disabilities in communications, and how to make UN communications inclusive of and accessible to persons with disabilities.
Easy-to-read version

UN Evaluation Group: Guidance on Integrating Disability Inclusion in Evaluations

This Guidance is intended for use by evaluation managers and evaluators. It builds on an analysis of resources and good practices. A review of the first self-reporting survey of the UNDIS established the baseline, and determines goals that are both realistic and aspirational



Disability Inclusion 101 Webinar: Basic Concepts and Approaches


Download the logo: JPG | PNG

Other Related Resources

Videos and speeches

UN Secretary General on the launch of the Disability Inclusion Strategy

UN Secretary General on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2019

Launch of the Policy Brief: A Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19

UN Deputy Secretary-General - Report on the implementation of the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy 2020