
Closing Remarks at High-level Meeting on Global Development Initiatives Cooperation Outcomes GDI for SDGs: Action and Progress

Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this important meeting, and to reflect on what we have heard this morning.  

Investments in the SDGs have not only saved or improved the lives of countless people in developing countries, but they are also a cost-effective way to increase resilience against the impact of future crises.  

It is also clear to all of us that, at this mid-point on the SDG timeline, we must radically shift gears to accelerate progress.  

The presentations and discussions today could not have been more timely in that respect.  

The Global Development Initiative ¨C or GDI - represents a major commitment to reinvigorate the global partnership to achieve the SDGs.  

More than 70 countries are now part of the Group of Friends of the GDI, and several UN entities have become implementing partners.  

As we have heard, the projects of the Global Development Initiative have been designed to be both practical and results-oriented, with a strong focus on delivering meaningful benefits for developing countries.  

The Global Development Initiative has fostered new opportunities for synergies and complementarities through South-South cooperation to achieve the 2030 Agenda.  

We must also consider how successful projects could be scaled up, to allow more people and more countries to benefit from these experiences.  The UN development system is well placed to help share the lessons learned and promote success stories across countries. 

My department, UN DESA, welcomes the opportunity to work with the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative, and other UN entities to continue the implementation of the GDI.

It is hoped that the GDI will also encourage other development partners to embark on new initiatives to achieve our goals in a spirit of solidarity and multilateral cooperation.  

The full implementation of the SDGs by 2030 will require extraordinary efforts and accelaration.  

I call upon all countries and stakeholders to recommit ourselves to this important task.  

Thank you. 

File date: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li