
Closing Remarks at High Impact Initiative on Power of Data: Unlocking the Data Dividend for the SDGs

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we conclude this momentous event, I want to express my deep gratitude to all of you for your participation in the launch of the High Impact Initiative on the 'Power of Data. ' 

Today, I am inspired by the depth and breadth of the discussions and commitment of our partners from governments, the private sector, multilaterals, and civil society who have pledged their support, both financial and political, to make this vision of Better Data for a Better World a reality. 

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every country, regardless of its resources, has the tools and knowledge to unlock the full potential of data for the betterment of their societies.  

UN DESA has a 70-year history of building and strengthening national statistical and data capacities and systems.   We remain committed to continuing our best technical efforts in this area.  We will also initiate and facilitate a discussion among data and statistical experts across the UN System to strengthen national data partnerships.  And we will continue our support for the UN Statistical Commission in its pivotal role of providing overarching guidance, setting international data standards, and nurturing collaboration among our Member States. 

In the spirit of data integration and in closing, I would also like to extend a special invitation to all participants here today to a related side event titled 'Geospatial Information: Accelerating Implementation of the SDGs', which will take place in Conference Room 6 at 1:30 pm.  

I look forward to our continued collaboration on this transformative journey to champion the cause of data, embrace the power it holds, and ensure that data becomes a universal force for positive change. 

Thank you!

File date: 
Sunday, September 17, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li