
Outreach workers in Syria are worried about the vulnerability of women and girls under curfew. ? UNFPA Syria

Support Organizations

This list of resources is not exhaustive and is meant to give you a better understanding of the resources available.

United Nations

You can contact your Organization’s Counsellors, Ombudsman’s Office, or Gender Focal Points. You can also reach out to your Critical Incident Stress Management Unit Regional Officer.

Outside HQ, contact CISMU at undsscismu@un.org

Based on your location, you may also contact the following DSS CISMU Stress Counsellors:

Africa West: Djeneba Coulibaly: +1 212 963 3682 email: coulibaly45@un.org

Africa East: Muhammad Sohail Ali:1 917 367 8557 email: ali173@un.org

Europe and Americas: Anne-Marie Serrano: +1 212 9631369  email: anne-marie.serranobanquet@un.org

Asia-Pacific: Madhubhashini Hewage: +1 212 963 6432, email: hewagem@un.org

MENA: Abdalla Mansour Amer: +1 917 367 6097, email:  mansouramer@un.org 


International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies:  


United States  (The information is US specific but resources useful to all.)

Guides for UN Personnel

Guidance for Victims/Survivors of Domestic Abuse 

United to Support: How to respond to Domestic Abuse: A guide for UN Personnel  


New York area