is the world's largest mission-driven open source conference, with 6,000+ attendees joining for 25+ conferences & events, featuring 400+ sessions on dozens of open source technologies. It continues to unite tech developers, NGOs, academic institutions at United Nations Headquarters in New York for learning how to use open source technologies for creating better social environment.

The focus of the event also incorporates several meaningful initiatives that aim to foster youth & tech, women in tech, and coding for a cause. The main goal of Open Camps is supporting open source innovation, adoption and contribution. Organizers also committed 'permissionless'?innovation, and ensuring there are no barriers between the best developers & presenters -?regardless of age, race, gender or creed. Among presented camps there were data visualization camp, Apps camp, Drupal NYC camp, Maps camps and many others.

This event is a collaboration of the?, the Open Camps organizing team and open source communities.