9 am - 10 am
Conference Rooms 2 | 3 | 4


Opening by Master of Ceremonies:

Maher Nasser
Co-Chair, Planning Committee, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Director, Outreach Division, Department of Global Communications, United Nations



Welcoming Remarks:

Zainab Hawa Bangura
Director-General, United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) 



Conference Co-Chairs Remarks:

Carole Ageng'o
Co-Chair, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Global Initiatives Lead & Africa Regional Representative, HelpAge International
Africa Regional Co-Chair Major Groups & Other Stakeholders


Nudhara Yusuf
Co-Chair, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Executive Coordinator, Global Governance Innovation Network
Global Futures Forum Coordinator, Coalition for the UN We Need



Video Message:

Amina J. Mohammed
Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations




Civil Society Keynote:

Karimot Odebode
SDG Young Leader
Founder, Black Girls Dream Initiative 




Guy Ryder
Under-Secretary-General for Policy, United Nations




Video Message:

H.E. Dennis Francis
President, 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly




Keynote Remarks:

Florence Syevuo
Executive Director, SDG Kenya Forum 



Closing by Conference Co-Chairs:

Maher Nasser
Co-Chair, Planning Committee, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Director, Outreach Division, Department of Global Communications, United Nations



Carole Ageng'o
Co-Chair, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Global Initiatives Lead & Africa Regional Representative, HelpAge International
Africa Regional Co-Chair Major Groups & Other Stakeholders



Nudhara Yusuf
Co-Chair, 2024 Civil Society Conference
Executive Coordinator, Global Governance Innovation Network
Global Futures Forum Coordinator, Coalition for the UN We Need