
Commission on Population and Development, twenty-seventh session (1994)

28 March 1994 to 31 March 1994

Monitoring of world population trends and policies, with special emphasis on refugees


Bureau members 


  • Mr. Shigemi Kono (Japan) - Asia-Pacific Group (Chair)

  • Ms. Pauline Knight (Jamaica) - Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. András Klinger (Hungary) - Eastern-European Group (Vice-Chair)

  • Ms. Jenny Gierveld (Netherlands) - Western European and Others Group (WEOG) (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. Ahmed Yousif Mohamed (Sudan) - African Group (Vice-Chair)

Official documentation
Agenda item 1

Election of officers

Agenda item 2

Provisional agenda and annotations ()

Organization of the work of the session ()

Status of documentation for the session ()

Agenda item 3

Concise report on the monitoring of world population trends and policies, with special emphasis on refugees (

Agenda item 4

Progress of work in the field of population, 1991-1993 ()

Programme of work in population for the biennium 1994-1994 (

Work programme in the field of population ()

Agenda item 5

Activities of the United Nations system in the field of population ()

Monitoring of multilateral population assistance ()

Work of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the World Population Plan of Action  ()

Activities of the United Nations Population Fund ()

Agenda item 6

Provisional agenda for the twenty-eighth session of the Commission ()

Provisional agenda for the twenty-eighth session of the Commission - Revision 1 ()

Agenda item 7

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