
Trust Fund 2014

On 8 and 9 May 2014, the Bureau of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues met in its capacity as Advisory Group for the projects for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, to consider projects proposals submitted for funding from the Trust Fund.







The following projects were selected for funding in the 2014 round:

S. No. Country Name of the Project Organization
1. Rwanda Projet de renforcement des capacités des jeunes filles et femmes autochtones au Rwanda COPORWA NGO (Communauté des potiers du Rwanda)
2. Uganda Strengthening the Rights of the Youth through Integrated Approaches (SRYIA) Foundation for Orphan Care Initiative (FOCI)
3. Cameroon Formation de 50 femmes autochtones à la riziculture sous serre en Ewondo (langue locale) à Akono au Cameroun Fond d’epargne et de credit pour le developpement communautaire (FECDEC)
4. Ethiopia Maintaining Community Ownership of Sacred Sites Labata Fantalle Organization
5. Indonesia Maintaining Toraya Culture and Knowledge through Development of Knowledge, Skills, Methods and Teaching Tools in Toraya Language AMAN Toraya
6. India Strengthening Adivasi Cultural Education through community ethnography with the Women Priests among Khonds Adivasi Mitra
7. Philippines Development of the Talaandig School for Living Tradition Mt. Palaopao Upper Mangima Tribal Communities (MPUMATRIC), Inc.
8. Mexico Påtpå ojñaa – conocen su voz – jovenes indígenas en acción para el fortalecimiento de la educación indígena mediante el intercambio de experiencias culturales Red Indígena de Turismo de México, A.C
9. Peru Promoviendo Derechos mediante Voceras Indígenas Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del Perú (ONAMIAP)
10. Colombia Investigación sobre el estado de la lengua nativa del pueblo Múrui de Puerto Leguízamo Asociación de Autoridades Tradicionales y Cabildos de los Pueblos Indígenas del Municipio De Leguízamo y Alto Resguardo Predio Putumayo
11. USA Yankton Sioux Language and Heritage Preservation Program Native American Community Board
12. Russia Assessment and promotion of the Chukchi language among young people ANO ethnocultural association “Elleyada” (ANO EA “Elleyada”)
13. Russia Regional Public organization “Tuba Kalyk” (Tubalars) Revive your roots
14. Russia Experience in the application of the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Russia Russian Communities Union of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and far East
15. New Zealand Engaging indigenous shareholders in a values-based process for informed decision-making about the development and use of collectively owned ancestral Māori land Harataunga West 2B2B2B2 Trust