
Preliminary information* indicative of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles


* Please refer to - Decision regarding the workload of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and the ability of States, particularly developing States, to fulfil the requirements of article 4 of Annex II to the Convention, as well as the decision contained in SPLOS/72, paragraph (a).

Preliminary information submitted by [State]

received on

Angola (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Bahamas (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Bénin (preliminary information) (updated preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Bénin et Togo (preliminary information | annex | report ) (updated preliminary information)

2 April 2009

Brunei Darussalam (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Canada (preliminary information-English) (preliminary information-French)

6 December 2013

Cameroon (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Cabo Verde (preliminary information | appendix)

7 May 2009

Chile  (preliminary information Spanish) (preliminary information English) (note Spanish) (note English ) | communication dated 8 May 2019  |  communication dated 17 December 2019 | communication dated 9 July 2020 

8 May 2009

China (preliminary information Chinese) (preliminary information English)

11 May 2009

Comoros (preliminary information)

2 June 2009

Congo  (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Costa Rica (preliminary information) | communication dated 12 April 2012

11 May 2009

Cuba (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo (preliminary information | annex | annex)

11 May 2009

Ecuador (preliminary information)

20 September 2021

Equatorial Guinea (preliminary information)

14 May 2009

Fiji in respect of the South East Region of the North Fiji Basin, Lau-Colville, Tonga-Kermadec Complex (preliminary information)

21 April 2009

Fiji and Solomon Islands on the Charlotte Bank Region (preliminary information | figure)

21 April 2009

Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu on the North Fiji Basin (preliminary information | figure)

21 April 2009

France - Polynésie française et Wallis et Futuna (preliminary information)

8 May 2009

France - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (preliminary information)

8 May 2009

Gabon (preliminary information| communication dated 3 August 2011)

12 May 2009

Gambia (preliminary information)

4 May 2009

Guinea (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Guinea-Bissau (preliminary information)

8 May 2009

Guyana (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Mauritania (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Mauritius in the Chagos Archipelago Region (preliminary information) | communication dated 29 May 2013 | communication dated 19 June 2014 | communication dated 15 December 2014 | communication dated 24 December 2015 | In the Northern Chagos Archipelago Region (preliminary information dated 24 May 2021 )

6 May 2009

Mexico en el polígono oriental del Golfo de Mexico (preliminary information)

6 May 2009

Micronesia (Federated States of) for the Eauripik Rise and Mussau Ridge Areas (preliminary information | Eauripik Rise region (>80Mb) | Mussau Ridge region (>80Mb) )

5 May 2009

Morocco (preliminary information) | communication dated 20 June 2017

3 August 2015

Mozambique (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

New Zealand - Tokelau (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Nicaragua (preliminary information)

7 April 2010

Oman in respect of the area that includes the narrow bathymetric shelf adjacent to the land mass of Oman, the Owen basin, and the Owen Ridge, and that abuts the deep ocean floor of the Arabian Indian Sea (Indian fan) (preliminary information)

15 April 2009

Papua New Guinea for the Mussau Ridge and Eauripik Rise Areas (preliminary information | Eauripik Rise region (>80Mb) | Mussau Ridge region (>80Mb) )

5 May 2009

Republic of Korea (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Sao Tome and Principe (preliminary information)

13 May 2009

Senegal (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Seychelles in the Aldabra Island Region (preliminary information)

8 May 2009

Sierra Leone (preliminary information)

12 May 2009

Solomon Islands (preliminary information)

5 May 2009

Somalia (communication | preliminary information | memorandum of understanding (#) | appendix)

14 April 2009

Spain en el área al Oeste de las Islas Canarias (preliminary information)

11 May 2009

Togo (preliminary information)

8 May 2009

United Republic of Tanzania (preliminary information | attachments | communication dated 27 April 2011 )

7 May 2009

Vanuatu (preliminary information, revised 18 July 2012), (preliminary information)

10 August 2009


Communications received in relation to preliminary information submitted by States

Morocco - note verbale dated 16 May 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by Spain en el área al Oeste de las Islas Canarias - Français | English

Morocco - note verbale dated 26 May 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by Mauritania - Français | English
Japan  - note verbale dated 23 July 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by China - English
Japan  - note verbale dated 23 July 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by the Republic of Korea - English
Angola - note verbale dated 31 July 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by the Democratic Republic of the Congo  - Français | English
Canada - note verbale dated 9 November 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by France - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon - English | Français
Equatorial Guinea - note verbale dated 22 December 2009 in relation to the preliminary information by Cameroon - Spanish | English
Nicaragua - note verbale dated 7 April 2010 in relation to the preliminary information by Costa Rica - Spanish (annex 1; annex 2) | English (annex1; annex 2) | Français (annex1; annex 2)
Peru - note verbale dated 12 April 2010 in relation to the preliminary information by Chile - Spanish | English | French
Chile - note verbale dated 27 April 2010 in relation to the note verbale dated 12 April 2010 from Peru and preliminary information by Chile - Spanish | English | French
Democratic Republic of the Congo - note verbale dated 14 June 2010 in relation to the preliminary information by Angola as well as the note verbale dated 31 July 2009 from Angola Français | English
Costa Rica - note verbale dated 19 August 2010 in relation to the preliminary information by Nicaragua - transmitted by a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica dated 8 September 2010 - Spanish | English | Français
Pakistan  - note verbale dated 9 October 2014 in relation to the preliminary information by Oman - English
Oman  - note verbale dated 10 November 2014 in relation to the note verbale dated 9 October 2014 from Pakistan and preliminary information by Oman - English
El Salvador - note verbale dated 17 November 2017 in relation to the preliminary information by Costa Rica - English (pending) | Spanish
Maldives - Note verbale dated 15 July 2021 - English


Other communications that may be relevant

The Netherlands - Note verbale dated 28 August 2009: English


The designations employed in preliminary information, including description of the areas, are as contained in the communications from submitting States. Their listing on this web site and the presentation of material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

(#) By a note verbale dated 2 March 2010, the Permanent Mission of the Somali Republic to the United Nations informed the Secretariat that the MOU had been rejected by the Parliament of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, and is to be hence treated as non-actionable.