

Albania: Tracking Campaign Promises in Albania (UDF-17-774-ALB)

Albania: Empowerment Through Citizen Journalism (UDF-08-264-ALB)

Albania: Media Accountability (UDF-07-190-ALB)

Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia: Empowering Roma to Fight Rights Deprivation (UDF-07-189-REU)

Armenia: Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia (UDF-17-775-ARM)

Armenia: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia (UDF-ARM-11-465)

Azerbaijan: Creation of Women's Parliament (UDF-09-317-AZE)

Azerbaijan: Developing Democratic Electoral Processes (UDF-07-173-AZE)

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Learning and Living Democracy (UDF-07-191-BIH)

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Equality and Equity for Romani Women (UDF-07-196-MAC)

Georgia: Fostering Democracy through Electoral Participation of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia (UDF-17-776-GEO)

Georgia: Advancing Pedestrian Rights in Georgia (UDF-13-574-GEO)

Georgia: Citizen Journalists for Free and Fair Elections (UDF-10-396-GEO)

Georgia: Participatory Rights for Physically Disabled Persons (UDF-09-333-GEO)

Hungary: Learning Democracy DemoLab in Hungary (UDF-16-724-HUN)

Kazakhstan: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative (UDF-11-451-KAZ)

Kazakhstan: Enhancing Electoral Awareness and Inclusive Democratic Development (UDF-09-325-KAZ)

Kazakhstan: Human Rights Education for the Police (UDF-08-256-KAZ)

Kazakhstan: Coalition Against Poverty: Oil Revenue Under Public Oversight (UDF-07-179-KAZ)

Kosovo*: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society? (UDF-13-575-KOS)

Kosovo*: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo (UDF-11-468-KOS)

Kosovo*: Capacity Development for Association of Journalists (UDF-09-334-KSV)

Kosovo*: Empowering civil society inclusion on democratic policy-making in Kosovo (UDF-08-265-KOS)

Moldova: Civil Society to Monitor and Contribute to Transparency and Anti-Corruption Policies in Moldova (UDF-11-469-MOL)

Moldova: Women Can Do It-Balanced Participation in Decision-Making (UDF-08-266-MOL)

Moldova, Ukraine: Strengthening Civil Society Across Borders to Develop Democracy (UDF-08-263-REU)

Russian Federation: Empowering Civil Society Organizations of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities (UDF-09-332-RUS)

South Caucasus: Opening the Doors of Policy Making in Central Asia and South Caucasus (UDF-09-281-GLO)

Turkey, Syria: House of Initiatives by and for Syrian Women in Reyhanli – Dar Zeytuna Turkey (UDF-RAS-15-636)

Turkey: Monitoring and Influencing Central Budget Through Civic Empowerment (UDF-08-268-TUR)

Turkey: Empowerment of Women Citizens (UDF-07-197-TUR)

Ukraine: Teenagers transforming communities in Ukraine through civic education (UDF-16-730-UKR)

Ukraine: Your Local Representative, Strengthening Citizen Participation (UDF-09-336-UKR)

 * References to Kosovo should be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).