
UNOCT launches Update of the UN Compendium of Good Practices on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) hosted a hybrid high-level event to launch the updated UN Compendium of Good Practices on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks. Organized in collaboration with the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the event included officials, practitioners and experts from Member States, international and regional organizations, the private sector, civil society, and academia.

The Compendium, which was first published in 2018, seeks to provide all relevant stakeholders with good practices, tools, and case studies from across the world to support the efforts of Member States to protect their critical infrastructure (CI). 

The updated version of the publication was developed by UNOCT, CTED and INTERPOL in the framework of the Global Compact Working Group on Emerging Threats and Critical Infrastructure Protection (ETCIP) and includes contributions from Member States, members of the Working Group, as well as international experts. It presents updated information and features new material (new policy and strategic documents, legal instruments, cases studies and tools) gathered through desk research and exchanges via the Connect and Learn Platform of the United Nations Global Network of Experts on the Protection of Vulnerable Targets against Terrorist Attacks.  

Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General of UNOCT, opened the event together with H.E. Mr. Abdulla bin Ibrahim Abdulrahman Sultan Al Hamar, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Spain; Ms. Natalia Gherman, Assistant-Secretary-General, Executive Director, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED); and Gregory Hinds, INTERPOL Director for Counter-Terrorism. 

The high-level opening was followed by a roundtable with experts from UNOCT, CTED and INTERPOL, and the key remarks of the Director of the National Centre on Critical Infrastructure Protection of Spain (CNPIC). Speakers highlighted new developments since the first edition of the Compendium, including recent trends and challenges in strengthening resilience of essential facilities and systems against terrorist attacks. The roundtable raised awareness on the importance of addressing CI vulnerabilities, as well as adequate prevention, preparedness, mitigation, investigation, response, and recovery measures. 

The 2022 edition of the Compendium has been produced thanks to a generous contribution from the State of Qatar, who is also the main donor of the United Nations Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats Against Vulnerable Targets.

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Please contact: OCT-Vulnerable-Targets (oct-vulnerable-targets@un.org)