
Barrow.gif (119 bytes) 24th session of CEDAW

NGO Participation in the 24th Session of CEDAW

CEDAW will begin work on General Recommendation 25 at its 24 session, 15 January to 2 February 2001. The General Recommendation will concern article 4 of the Convention (temporary special measures or affirmative action) and the practice of  the Committee is to have an open discussion with NGOs and specialized agencies and experts on the subject of the recommendation as the first stage of its preparations for the recommendation. The day of the discussion is Tuesday, 16 January fom 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

In addition, the meeting for NGO input with respect to States parties reports will be held on the same day (16 January 2001) from 3: 00 to 4:30 p.m.

NGOs who wish to make an input may do so on Tuesday 16 January 2001 in Conference Room 3 at the UN Headquarters . NGO representtives who wish to attend the meeting need to contact Ms. Amina Adam of UN Division for the Advancement of Women (Tel: 212-963-8034,  Email: adama@un.org), no later than Wednesday, 3 January 2001.