




The Secretary-General is appalled by the tragic human toll of the conflict in Gaza, in which more than 30,000 people have now reportedly been killed and over 70,000 injured. Tragically, an unknown number of people lie under the rubble.Ìý
The Secretary-General condemns the incident today in northern Gaza in which more than a hundred people were reportedly killed or injured while seeking life-saving aid. The desperate civilians in Gaza need urgent help, including those in the besieged northern part of Gaza, where the United Nations has not been able to deliver aid for more than a week.Ìý
The Secretary-General reiterates his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the unconditional release of all the hostages held in Gaza. He once again calls for urgent steps so that critical humanitarian aid can get into and across Gaza for all those who so desperately need it.

We also have a statement from the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, who has warned that life is draining out of Gaza at a terrifying speed, with the reported death toll across Gaza that we have just mentioned.Ìý
Mr. Griffiths also said he is appalled by the reported killing and injury of hundreds of people in Gaza during a transfer of aid supplies west of Gaza City today.Ìý
I would also refer you to the very strong statement delivered bu the High Commissioner of Human Rights, Volker Turk, on the situation in Gaza.
Yesterday, UNRWA reported that displaced people – including some UNRWA staff – were forced to evacuate from two schools where they were sheltering earlier this week. Some were arrested by Israeli forces, and one woman was reportedly killed.ÌýÌý
Our colleagues in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs say there is an urgent need for unimpeded access to northern Gaza to deliver foodÌý
and establish stabilization centres for severe acute malnutrition, as well as outpatient treatment programmes.Ìý
As we have warned repeatedly – and as you heard from our humanitarian colleagues in the Security Council earlier this week – the risk of death by starvation in Gaza is growing, with children and pregnant women most severely impacated.Ìý
The continued hostilities and other challenges continue to impede our efforts to reach civilians in Gaza with life-saving health and nutrition care.Ìý
Quite a few of you have been asking about the OIOS investigation and I want to share an update with you. Yesterday, the Secretary-General received an update from the Office of Internal Oversight Services, OIOS, on their work regarding the allegations put forward by Israel that 12 UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency) staff members in Gaza were involved in the terror attacks of 7 October [2023].ÌýÌý
I can tell you that OIOS began its work on 29 January, the day the Secretary-General tasked the unit with this effort.ÌýÌý
So far, OIOS investigators have reviewed the initial information received by UNRWA from Israeli authorities. They have also been in communication with other Member States to obtain any information relevant to the investigation.Ìý Ìý
OIOS investigators have also been to UNRWA headquarters in Amman, in Jordan, to obtain and review information held by UNRWA that is relevant to the investigation, including on UNRWA staff and on UNRWA operations. They have also reviewed information and communications technology data, including email records and information on UNRWA vehicles; review of information received from various sources, including that released through the media and other public sources.Ìý
The investigation remains ongoing. OIOS will [continue to] seek and to corroborate additional information and to compare the information obtained with materials held by Israeli authorities, which OIOS expects to receive shortly.Ìý OIOS staff are planning to visit Israel soon to obtain information from Israeli authorities that may be relevant to the investigation.Ìý
Cooperation with the OIOS investigation by Member States has thus far been adequate.Ìý
We will keep updating you as often as possible without jeopardizing, obviously, the ongoing investigation by our colleagues in OIOS.
In response to questions about Benin’s announcement of their intention to contribute personnel to the Multinational Security Support mission, the Spokesman
confirmed that yesterday [28 February], we received Benin’s official confirmation of their intent to support the mission with personnel.Ìý
We have now received notifications from the following Governments of their commitments to provide security forces to the Support (MSS) mission: these countries are the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin and Chad.ÌýÌý
And just to reconfirm that these notifications are sent to us as requested by Security Council resolution 2699, which invites contributing Member States to inform in writing the leadership of the Multinational Security Support mission, the Security Council, and the Secretary-General of their intent to participate in the mission.ÌýÌý

Also a lot of you have been asking about the Trust Fund that we have been requested to set up and that we have. To date, contributions totaling $10.8 million have been deposited into the Trust Fund.ÌýÌý
We are also encouraged by the pledges of some US $78 million in recent days that will go directly to the Multinational Security Support Trust Fund and we encourage Member States to continue contributing to ensure the successful deployment of the mission.Ìý
Speaking of deployment, our Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, is in São Paulo, in Brazil, for the G20 Finance Ministers and meeting of Central Bank Governors. Ìý
Attending a session on International Taxation for the 21st century, Ms. Mohammed today said that the UN is committed to shaping a fair, transparent, and efficient international tax system that advances the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fosters global economic stability. Ìý
She urged the G20 countries to actively engage in the ongoing discussions on tax at the UN.Ìý
Ms. Mohammed then participated in a high-level dialogue under the theme Africa and the G20. With a combined population of 1.4 billion people and a GDP of 3.3 trillion, the African continent is at the epicenter of transformative change, she said, and the G20 is well placed to advance key priorities for the continent. stressing that the G20 can position the continent as an important multilateral partner with a forward-looking agenda.Ìý
In the afternoon, she will attend a session on Global Debt and Financing for Sustainable Development, where she will underscore the need for urgent multilateral pre-emptive action on debt and liquidity, calling for bold answers to this massive development challenge. Ìý
She will be on her way back to New York later tonight.

Today, the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan, otherwise known as UNITAMS, officially completed its mission and withdrawal from the country. A small team will remain in Port Sudan to oversee the Mission's liquidation process, which begins tomorrow [1 March].Ìý
In a statement we issued last night, the Secretary-General said he counts on the full cooperation of the Sudanese authorities to ensure this process is completed as smoothly and as swiftly as possible.Ìý
We underscore that the United Nations is not leaving Sudan and remains strongly committed to providing lifesaving humanitarian assistance and supporting the Sudanese people in their aspirations for a peaceful, secure future.ÌýÌý
The Secretary-General has repeatedly called on the parties to the conflict to lay down their weapons and to commit to broad-based peace talks that will lead to the resumption of a civilian-led democratic transition.ÌýÌýÌý
His Personal Envoy for Sudan, Ramtane Lamamra, has commenced his work in support of mediation efforts, in coordination and close partnership with African and other international partners.ÌýÌý
The Secretary-General reiterates his deep appreciation to the staff of UNITAMS for their dedication and service to the people of Sudan throughout the Mission’s mandate.Ìý
And turning to Chad, in a statement issued by Abdou Abarry, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Central Africa, he said he is following with great concern the events taking place in N'Djamena, in Chad’s capital.ÌýÌý
He called on all actors to show calm and restraint, particularly at a time when Chad is entering the final stages of its political transition.ÌýÌý
Mr. Abarry reiterated his availability - and that of the UN System - to continue to support the efforts of the government and people of Chad for the organization of an inclusive and credible election, as well as for maintaining a climate of peace before, during and after the presidential election, which is scheduled for 6 May, this year.ÌýÌý

Turning to Ukraine, Denise Brown, our Humanitarian Coordinator there, condemned yesterday’s deadly attacks in the Kharkiv region. Local authorities have reported a dozen casualties. Civilian infrastructure was also damaged.Ìý Ìý
Our humanitarian colleagues note that strikes in the Donetsk and Kherson regions today and yesterday also caused massive destruction of civilian infrastructure as well as civilian casualties. More than a hundred homes were impacted, as well as schools and other facilities. That’s what local authorities are telling us.Ìý
Humanitarian workers are on the ground to support communities, including by providing construction materials and psychological support.Ìý
In a video message released for the high-level segment of the 6th UN Environment Assembly – which is taking place in Nairobi, Kenya, which is the headquarters of UNEP - the Secretary-General said we must work together to put the world on a sustainable path, and to turbocharge sustainable development.Ìý
He called for urgent action to accelerate a just transition from fossil fuels to renewables, to adapt to extreme weather, deliver climate justice and to drive progress to reach the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.ÌýÌý
Also today, our colleagues at UNEP released their Global Waste Management Outlook 2024. The report, titled "Beyond an age of waste: Turning rubbish into a resource,". The report provides the most substantial update on global waste generation and the cost of waste and its management.ÌýÌý
This report – and the video message - are online.ÌýÌý
Tomorrow, at 1:00 p.m., Ambassador Yamazaki Kazuyuki, the Permanent Representative of Japan and the President of the Security Council for the month of March, will brief reporters on the program of work.Ìý
Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Spain have paid their dues to the regular budget. There are now 70 fully paid-up Member States.Ìý