
Forum Partnerships | SIDS GBN Forum - FR

Cette page affichera les partenariats qui sont form¨¦s comme forum de cette ann¨¦e au fur et ¨¤ mesure qu'ils sont annonc¨¦s.


Want to announce  a partnership at the forum?

The UN Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) is looking for new partnerships for the SIDS-Global Business Network that can be announced and launched during the 2022 Forum in Palau.

How can the SIDS-Global Business Network help your partnership?

The SIDS-Global Business Network is a unique platform for SIDS and global businesses to come together. The Network consists of:

  1. SIDS-GBN Forum where SIDS can interact with global businesses and other stakeholders to leverage partnerships that support sustainable development in SIDS.
  2. SIDS-GBN website provides a platform for global advocacy for SIDS partnerships. The website is designed to showcase success stories of partnerships to a global audience of partners from a wide variety of organisations, foundations, individual companies and civil society. This can further help businesses to expand their market outreach and enter in to business opportunities, that are mutually beneficial to SIDS and to their partners.

What are the key areas where partnerships can be announced?

The following areas have been consistently raised as crucial for Small Island Developing States through the programmes of action ¨C the current of which is the SAMOA Pathway:

  • Oceans
  • Connectivity
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Renewable energy
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • Financing

What are the types of partnerships you can announce?

Below are some examples of partnerships from previous forums:

Regional partnerships focusing on one of the thematic areas
¡°A new partnership between the Pacific Island Private Sector Organization (PIPSO) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is set to strengthen the agri-food systems in the Pacific by supporting agribusiness development and transformative partnerships¡± ¨C 2014 Forum Samoa
¡°Sustainable Travel International announced the Sustainable Destination Alliance of the Americas and the South Pacific Destination Alliance with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation, Royal Caribbean Cruise Ltd., Samoa and Palau - for development of destinations across the Pacific region¡±- 2014 Forum Samoa

Partnerships mobilising private capital these includes commitments and pledges on unlocking financing for SIDS
¡°Announcement of 600million euro through the EU-ACP to enhance private sector growth in developing countries, including SIDS.¡±
¡°European Investment Bank (EIB) committed to promoting small business, access to finance, and development of business partnerships in SIDS and will promote capacity of SIDS private sector to access EIB funding.¡±

Technical cooperation which includes deployment of technology, advisory services and training among other areas
¡°International Finance Corporation (IFC) expressed its commitment to promote upstream business reforms, PPP guidelines and technical assistance to promote commercial investment in SIDS¡±
¡°The Enel Group offered to work with interested SIDS in the field of renewable energy, including the development and deployment of power plants harnessing the potential from wind, solar PV, geothermal, hydro and biomass resources of these states. Enel also made available its cutting-edge wave energy technology and hybrid renewable-storage systems toward providing sustainable energy solutions to isolated communities¡±.

If you have a partnership announcement to make at the 2022 Forum,