
UN Women

"... the way we negotiate peace is that we negotiate with those who were fighters or at the warring parties. And typically, women are not fighters and not warring parties. So women always have to beg and negotiate and try to engage in all of those processes.

In 2010, the General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution to merge four parts of the United Nations system into .

Women play critical roles when humanitarian crisis occurs. advocates for the urgent need to support women in humanitarian action. Women share their perspectives by video.

portrays Maya Tutton, who with her sister, started the Our Streets Now campaign against public sexual harassment, the most common form of violence against women and girls.

In Focus: International Youth Day

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, young people across the world are demanding a fairer, more inclusive world for women and girls.

Meet six black women, who are leaders and trailblazers in their countries and communities. 

Join UN Women in speaking up and taking action for a future without violence against women.

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and Academy-Award winning actor Nicole Kidman raises awareness on ending violence against women during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

When fathers share the care

The Shadow Pandemic: Domestic violence in the wake of COVID-19

A deadly #ShadowPandemic of domestic violence is surging in the wake of COVID-19. Violence against women and girls has intensified in countries around the world.

Women are at the heart of care and response efforts for the pandemic.

When it comes to unpaid work, not everyone is in the same boat. What does your boat look like? Let’s find out…

Half the world is under stay-home orders, that means four billion people in 90 countries. COVID-19 has impacted us all, but most of the decisions taken are by men and the voices we hear are often male. Yet, the majority of front-line health workers are women. The care burden on women has grown exponentially. is bringing the voices of women on the front lines of the pandemic. Here are some s(h)eroes who are out there, every day, protecting and serving their communities.

Millions of women in the health and social sector work tirelessly every day to care for all of us. Women make up 70 per cent of all workers in the health and social sector. Today, thanks you.

Survivors of domestic violence sew face masks for those in the front line of COVID-19