The United Nations System is working hard to raise awareness and tackle misinformation about the novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, and we are asking for your help.

The World Health Organization (WHO) regularly shares updates, situation reports, myth-busters and other essential information regarding the disease on its website , and the UN is sharing information about the UN response at

In an effort to make sure this communication campaign is effective, the UN would like to hear from civil society representatives across all countries on what they already know, have heard or have learnt from the media or other sources about COVID-19 and what they want and need to know. We would also like to understand what types of misinformation are reaching the general public and the sources.

In this public health emergency, the UN needs the help and effort of civil society to disseminate accurate information and counter stigma and myths. We are asking you to join us and act based on science, share your solutions and inspire solidarity!

Respondent data will be used for improving UN communication strategies and no identifying data about organizations or individuals will be shared.

The survey is currently available in English. It will be available in other official UN Languages