
Iraq is considered the cradle of civilization and is home to six world heritage sites (Photo: University of Technology)

University Actions for Protecting and Preserving the Iraqi Heritage

Heritage and high-profile historical sites worldwide are considered essential values of human civilization. Safeguarding and preserving heritage, in all its manifestations, is not anymore only about bridging the present with the legacies of the past. It is also about building a sustainable and peaceful future for the next generations. Actually,??includes a call to “strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.”

Global Lens on Gender Equality in Universities: Reviewing their Performance

Gender equality has come a long way in the past few years and decades. There are more women with access to education at the tertiary level, more women in senior leadership positions, and women’s rights have developed significantly. But much more is still to be achieved since women continue to face violence and discrimination. On average, women earn lower salaries and have lower levels of access to education compared to men.

In this context, institutions of higher education can be critical actors for change. They can make certain that their female students have equal chances regarding applications, admissions, and completion rates. They can teach curricula that promote gender equality and gender equity, as well as equal representation. Through their research, they can expose inequalities, such as how women are discriminated against, and ensure that datasets include women's perspectives.

The handbooks were developed paying appropriate regard to the provisions of key legislation (Photo: GNLU)

Taking Law to Society: University in India Goes Forward

Within?, a target calls explicitly for protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. A key element for this is the creation of awareness concerning legislation tied to adequate protection. Indeed, a??of the United Nations Human Rights Council considered human rights education and training as “essential to the effective realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

The MFCIC at MMU is at the forefront of hydrogen and fuel cell technology (Photo: Manchester Metropolitan University)

UK University Develops New Sources of Emission-Free Energy

The fifth recommendation -Phasing Out of Fossil Fuels and Scaling Up Renewable Energy- within the report launched in November 2022 by the High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities reads: “Instead of slowing down the decarbonization of the global economy, now is the time to accelerate the energy transition to a renewable energy future.” And universities are stepping in for that.

Financing and Funding the SDGs: Challenges vs. Solutions

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is producing a series of articles related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from various angles. In this first article, we aim for more people to get a deeper insight into the financing?and funding for sustainable development, mainly what is being done at the multilateral level, especially in the context of the United Nations system.


In a complex context, more actors

The team developed a new technology to manufacture concrete made from recycled materials (Photo: RMIT)

University Team Creates ‘Green’ Concrete for Sustainable Construction

About 35% of landfill waste is generated by the construction industry, with millions of tons of debris and rubble disposed of each year around the globe. Similarly, around one billion automobile tires go to waste every year. Most of such tires end up in landfills causing a wide range of issues. On that note, an??published by the United Nations Environment Programme explains that “when significant quantities of municipal or industrial solid waste are dumped or burned in the open, the adverse impacts on air, surface and groundwater, soil and the coastal and marine environment, and thus indirectly on public health, can be severe.”

The university is involved in a process of digital transformation (Photo: University of Birmingham)

Creating a Smart Campus: A British University Develops a ‘Living Lab’

Universities and colleges worldwide are leading the way through various means in demonstrating the benefits of a collaborative approach of academic research and industry expertise in creating sustainable solutions that benefit everyone. They also often function as ‘small cities,’ with their energy plants, sports facilities, and civic attractions, as well as the communal study, office, and research spaces that allow their daily function. This makes them without any doubt, an ideal test bed for innovation.?

CEPLAS conducts research on complex plant traits of agronomic relevance (Photo: CEPLAS)

German Academic-Scientific Initiative Focused on Plants for Tomorrow's Needs

“The intensification of the major drivers behind recent food insecurity and malnutrition trends (i.e., conflict, climate extremes, and economic shocks) combined with the high cost of nutritious foods and growing inequalities will continue to challenge food security and nutrition,” says one of the many conclusions of??published this year by the?. The role of academia in countering these difficulties cannot be underestimated.?

The university promotes teaching actions on fair trade through the involvement of NGOs (Photo: UC)

Looking for an Alternative: Spanish University Actions on Fair Trade

“International trade is an engine for inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction, and contributes to the promotion of sustainable development,” reads paragraph 68 of the?. In parallel, the document?, published by the?, states that fair trade initiatives “often aim to a fairer distribution of gains along international value chains.” This is one of the reasons why fair trade has become a popular topic in institutions of higher education.?

The gathering served to answer questions about ways to improve the relationship between academia and the UN (Photo: UNAI)

UNAI Marks UN Day Discussing Role of Higher Education in Multilateralism

On Monday, 24 October 2022, the?United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)?hosted at UN Headquarters in New York an event to mark?United Nations Day, a commemoration that remembers the entry into force of the?Charter of the United Nations. It aimed to highlight what universities and colleges worldwide are doing concerning global challenges, what multilateralism means for institutions of higher education, and what these institutions mean to the United Nations.?

The Tropics is a place of extraordinary diversity, culturally and ecologically (Photo: JCU)

Enhancing Understanding of the Tropics: Australian University Paves the Way

The Tropics is a place of extraordinary diversity, culturally and ecologically. Most of the world’s languages are spoken in the Tropics, and it is home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity as well as 95% of the world’s coral and mangrove ecosystems. An area that also holds over half of the world’s renewable water resources. The Tropics are also where the most significant impacts from climate change are likely to be felt, with cascading effects on the rest of the world.?

Creative tourism aims to offer visitors new experiences (Photo: University of Coimbra)

Portuguese University Advocates for Creative Tourism in Small Cities

Creative tourism aims to offer visitors new experiences by stimulating their active participation in the places they visit and promoting their contact and involvement with locals as well as their traditions. “Cultural and creative tourism can make important contributions to cultural preservation and the socio-economic development and empowerment of local communities, especially when world civilizations are linked to creative tourism,” reads the?.

The conference included a special session featuring young refugees (Photo: UNAI)

Utah Valley University Hosts International Academic Conference on the SDGs

This Wednesday, 5 October 2022, at the campus of?, a member institution of the?United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)?in the United States, located in the city of Orem, Utah, took place the opening of the??co-organized by the host institution and the United Nations Department of Global Communications, through the Civil Society Unit and UNAI, with participants from around the world.

All activities are carried out on the campus’ 160 hectares of agricultural area (Photo: UFSM)

From University Classrooms to the Field: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

"Future improvements in agriculture and food systems will continue to rely on enhanced efficiency – producing more with less – but greater emphasis will be needed on the social and environmental dimensions of sustainability," says a technical reference document titled??published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Advanced Farm 360?is an institutional development project of the Polytechnic School at the?, a member institution of the?United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)?in Brazil, which aims to enhance teaching, research, extension, and innovation in agriculture. It has three main focuses: precision agriculture, precision animal science, and sustainable agricultural production.

Researchers aim at mitigating environmental issues in Cerrón Grande, the largest water body in El Salvador (Photo: UCA)

University Scientists in El Salvador Research to Protect Biodiversity

The Cerrón Grande reservoir is the largest water body in El Salvador and is home to over fifteen species of fish and a wide variety of submerged and floating flora. Due to its international importance in conserving biological diversity, this wetland received the??(short for the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat) designation in 2005.?

Although the reservoir was constructed between 1973 and 1976 to produce electricity, the natural wealth found in its 135 km2 provides water and food for the sustenance of local communities, allowing the commercialization of products derived from artisanal fishing, shell-fishing, and hunting. This is particularly important in 2022, the?.