
Editorial Manual


An addendum is an addition to a previously circulated document (report, note, agenda, draft resolution, communication). It is issued under the original document symbol supplemented by the suffix "Add." and a number (for example, A/67/251/Add.1). 

If the document bears a double symbol, the suffix is added to both symbols (for example, A/67/66/Add.1-E/2012/49/Add.1).

There are two categories of addenda, those that carry the subheading "Addendum" and those that do not.

Addenda with the subheading "Addendum"

In cases such as those shown below, the addendum bears, in addition to the same heading, and subheading if any, as the original document, the subheading "Addendum".


  • Example 1 ():


  • Example 2 ():


  • Example 3 ():


Addenda without the subheading "Addendum"

In the cases listed below, the subheading "Addendum" is not included.

In these cases, the suffix "Add." is used in the symbol to indicate a series of related documents that do not contain substantive additions to an original document but are grouped under one symbol for convenience.

In such cases, either the main heading is different on each document in the series (see for example the reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions); or the main heading is the same but each document has a different subheading (see for example the reports of the Secretary-General on special political missions).

The following list of addenda in this category is not exhaustive.

  • Letters from the Secretary-General concerning the payment of arrears by Member States (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not appropriate because each document is a separate letter with its own date.

  • Letters from the President of the General Assembly on the allocation of agenda items (see, for example, )

While these relate to the allocation of additional items, and the main heading is the same as on the original, the subheading "Addendum" is not appropriate because each document is a new letter.

  • Reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

(a)  Separate questions relating to the [proposed] programme budget (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not required because every report is on a different subject.

All the reports are issued under the item entitled "Proposed programme budget for [year]" (the word "proposed" is deleted after the General Assembly has adopted the budget), and often are also issued under the item relating to the subject of the particular report.

(b) Individual peacekeeping operations (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not required because every report deals with a different peacekeeping operation.

Each report is issued under the item entitled "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations" in addition to the item on the financing of the specific peacekeeping operation that is the subject of the report.

  • Reports of the Secretary-General on special political missions (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not used because, while the main heading is the same on each document, the subheading is different.

  • Reports of the Main Committees of the General Assembly on separate sub-items (see, for example, , )

The subheading "Addendum" is not required because each report is on a different sub-item of one item of the agenda.

  • Notes by the Secretary-General transmitting his comments on a report of the Joint Inspection Unit (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not appropriate. The symbol simply indicates that the comments of the Secretary-General relate to the report in the parent document.

  • Notes by the Secretary-General on elections (Economic and Social Council) (see, for example, )

The subheading "Addendum" is not required because each note refers to a different body.

The parent document is a note on elections to the functional commissions.


Addenda to supplements

If the addendum contains only material additional to the main report which could have been incorporated in it, then the supplement number is identical to that of the parent document; no letter is added, e.g. Supplement No. 25 not 25A. The symbol is A/.../25/Add.1. In a footnote or other reference, the supplement and the addendum may be referred to together:

Official Records of the General Assembly, Nth Session, Supplement No. 25 (A/.../25 and A/.../25/Add.1).

If the addendum is an entirely separate, self-contained report, as in the case of the various reports of the Board of Auditors, then a letter is added to the supplement number: Supplements Nos. 5A, 5B, 5C and so on. Such addenda are normally referred to separately, as in:

Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 5M (A/68/5/Add.13)

The programme budget of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is issued every other year as Supplement No. 13A (A/.../13/Add.1).