
References - Model life tables

Buettner, T. (2002). Approaches and experiences in projecting mortality patterns for the oldest-old. North American Actuarial Journal, vol. 6, No. 3, pp.14-29.

Coale, A. J. and P. Demeny (1966). Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations. Princeton University Press.

Coale, A. J. and G. Guo (1989). Revised regional model life tables at very low levels of mortality. Population Index, vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 613-643.

Li, N., and P. Gerland (2011). Modifying the Lee-Carter method to project mortality changes up to 2100. In Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.

United Nations (1982). Model life tables for developing countries. Population Studies, vol. 77. New York.

__________ (2011). Notes for the Extended Model Life Tables (version 1.3).

Wilmoth, J. and others (2012). A flexible two-dimensional mortality model for use in indirect estimation. Population studies, vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 1-28.