

UNGA Second and Third Committees kick off in New York

Following the opening of the landmark 70th?session of the General Assembly, the Second and Third Committees officially kicked off their working sessions at UN Headquarters. ※Events that are unfolding around the world remind us of the daunting task ahead of sustaining social development gains and building more inclusive societies,§ Mr. Wu Hongbo, UN DESA*s Under-Secretary-General said during the Third Committee*s opening session.

The committee, tasked with social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues, will play a crucial rule in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The agenda, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, aims to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 5.27.31 PM※Nine of the 17 goals are directly related to the work of our committee,§?Omar Hilale, Chair of the Third Committee, reminded the representatives in his opening address. ※Combatting poverty and hunger, health, education, equality, access to water, decent jobs, and strengthening peace and justice. These are all issues on which our committee can and must take real action.§

Zeroing in on specific groups

During its thematic sessions and side events, the Third Committee zeroes in on specific groups 每 such as the development needs of women, youth, older persons, people with disabilities and indigenous groups 每 and issues like the right to education, ?elimination of racism and crime prevention.

A thematic session dedicated to the question of social development featured youth delegates from around the world addressing their priorities and concerns for young people.

Astrid Gustafsson, a youth delegate from?Sweden, said education was ※a human right and the cornerstone of critical thinking and the development of the individual.§ Her fellow youth delegate, Katja Cimeranicic from Slovenia, mentioned unemployment being one of the biggest threats facing youth today, while Sabri Boukadoum, the Algerian representative voice concerns on poverty and the need to reduce social exclusion.

20832※Despite having achieved the goal of halving extreme poverty, globally, more than one billion people are still living below the poverty line, and something like 2.2 billion people live just above the poverty line,§ Daniela Bas, Director of UN DESA*s Division For Social Policy And Development said, reminding the delegates of the work ahead.

Economic growth and development

Taking on issues related to economic growth and development, as well as the means of implementation for the SDGs, the members of the Second Committee have their work cut out for them as well. This committee will be responsible cooperating with Member States, the public and private sector and other stakeholders in streamlining both the major and specific policy questions that will lay the financial groundwork for the success of this new agenda.

※It will require a paradigm shift, from the UN, and member states and international organizations,§ Andrej Logar, Chair of the Second Committee said, highlighting the unprecedented scope and scape of this development agenda. ※To go above and beyond the existing models of development, and to make the work applicable and in line with the outcome document.§

Promoting inclusive growth

Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 5.37.05 PMThe committee will cover a broad range of topics making up the diverse fabric of the new development agenda.? Following the outcome of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development earlier this year, side events of the committee include 每 among others 每 promoting inclusive growth, resilience building, and development financing.

In the months ahead, the work of these two committees will form a foundation for cooperation between stakeholders, to implement this ambitious development agenda in all facets of society.

※This year could well be remembered as the year when policy integration for sustainable development truly became a common global vision,§ Mr. Wu said, as he addressed the Second Committee. ※We have seen unprecedented global cooperation to address some of the most challenging issues of our times.§

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